Temperature is measured in what units?
What is degrees
What are the units for respiration?
breathes per minute
What is pulse?
What is heart beats per minute.
What is blood pressure?
What is the force of the heart beat
Which is a more accurate way of measuring body temperature, forehead or under the tongue?
under the tongue (orally)
Normal respiratory rate range for our age
What is 12 to 20 breathes per minute
How can you measure your pulse?
Use your index and middle finger on your radial artery (wrist) or carotid artery (behind jaw bone)
What can cause your blood pressure to temporarily increase?
What is the normal body temperature for a healthy human?
What is 98.6 Degrees
What are factors that can impact someone's resting pulse?
Activity level, age, or weight
What units is blood pressure measured in?
mmHG Millimeters of Mercury
What temperature is considered a fever?
100.4 or above
Why does respiratory rate increase during physical activity?
You have to breathe more to circulate oxygen throughout your body more quickly
The normal pulse range for our age?
What is 60 to 100 bpm
What is a normal blood pressure reading?
90/60 to 120/80
What is another way that temperature can be measured other than the method we did in class?
ear canal, forehead
Oxygen enters the body through our nostrils into our lungs and bloodstream.
What would be a resting pulse rate for an athlete in top condition?
40-60 beats per minute
The blood pressure monitor takes two measurements. What are the two times when wearing the blood pressure cuff that your blood pressure is taken?
When the cuff is inflated (systolic, or high number) and when the cuff deflates (diastolic, or lower number)