Respiratory Vitals
Blood Pressure
Oxygen Therapy
This is the term used to describe respiratory rates greater than 20 breaths per minute.
What is Tachypnea?
This is the name of a noninvasive device used to provide ongoing assessment of the hemoglobin oxygen saturation of arterial blood and the patient's pulse rate. This light-emitting probe can connect to the finger, toe, earlobe, temple, nose or forehead of the patient.
What is a pulse oximeter.
This is the organ that causes force to be exerted by blood on the arterial walls, which is expressed as a "blood pressure" reading.
What is the heart.
This oxygen device should never be transported by hand, but rather should be transported in a cart, under a litter, or in an appropriate holder on a wheelchair.
What is an oxygen cylinder.
Nasal cannulas are used to deliver 1-4 Liters of oxygen per minute. Is it true that 1-4 L of oxygen delivers approximately 24-36% of oxygen?
What is a true statement.
This is the term to describe a decrease in the respiratory rate.
What is bradypnea.
This artery is located on the thumb side of the wrist.
What is the Radial Artery
A constant pressure is exerted on the arterial vessels by the blood when the heart is relaxed. This pressure is referred to as _______pressure.
What is diastolic pressure.
This is the major muscle involved in ventilation.
What is the diaphragm.
This term is defined as a relative constancy in the internal environment of the body that is naturally maintained by adaptive responses that promote healthy survival.
What is homeostasis.
This is the common term used to describe difficult breathing.
What is Dyspnea.
This is the normal pulse rate for a healthy adult, expressed as a range of___-__beats per minute.
What is 60-100 beats per minute.
During a contraction of the heart, blood is ejected from the ventricles into the arterial blood vessels, creating an increase in pressure. The peak pressure present during contraciton of the heart is known as ______pressure.
What is Systolic pressure.
This gas constitutes 21% of atmospheric gases.
What is oxygen.
This term refers to consistenly high arterial blood pressure
What is hypertension.
This is the normal respiratory rate range for an healthy adult, expressed as __breaths per minute.
What is 12-20 breaths per minute
This is the normal pulse rate for a healthy child under the age of 10 years, expressed as a rate of __-__ beats per minute.
What is 70-120 beats per minute.
This term refers to the persistent elevation of blood pressure above 140/90 mm/Hg.
What is hypertension.
This term is used to describe an inadequate amount of oxygen a the cellular level.
What is hypoxia.
This term refers to profuse sweating.
What is diaphoresis.
This is the normal respiratory rate for a healthy child expressed as __breaths per minute.
What is 20-30 breaths per minute
This term refers to a decrease in heartrate.
What is Bradycardia.
This term refers to a blood pressure of less than 95/60.
What is hypotension.
This is a reducing valve that permits flows (LPM) safe for patient use and serves as the connection between the oxygen-delivery device and the gas source.
What is the oxygen flowmeter.
This is the correct spelling and name for the device used to listen to the heart.
What is s-p-h-y-g-m-o-m-a-n-o-m-e-t-e-r.