Favorite Color
What is Blue? ( green is also accepted)
The animal Vivaan most often mimics
What are kitties ? Meowww
Vivaans Favorite Makeout Buddy in the FG
Who is Tanush Kallem?
His Middle Name
What is Nikhil?
Favorite fast food
what is chipotle?
Vivaans Favorite FG's Ex
Who is Freakyusha?
Favorite meat to eat
what is a cow? ( the animal not rohith)
Favorite Teacher ;)
Who is Baddie Craft?
Favorite football team
Who are the Lions?
The only common ability vivaan cant do
City Vivaan was born in
what is detriot?
His favorite bodily secretion to eat
What is Ear Wax?
The only word vivaan couldnt spell at the 4th grade spelling bee
what is elbow ( elo ) ?
Vivaans Pull Out Rate
What is 75%?
The day that is his birthday
February 19th
Least Favorite Person
Who is Drew Zaul?