The Sun rises in this direction.
Ohhh whoa oh whoa oh whoa. You know I love you.
Baby - Justin Bieber
This superpowered baby is Edna's favourite.
The time it takes for sunlight to reach Earth is approximately this many minutes
8 minutes
This is the number of wet diapers a newborn should have per day to indicate proper hydration.
6 to 8 wet nappies
I shouldn't have let you go. I must confess.
Hit Me Baby One More Time - Britney Spears
This famous album cover features a baby in a pool.
This phenomenon occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, resulting in nearly equal day and night lengths worldwide.
To prevent flat head syndrome, parents are encouraged to give their babies this supervised activity daily.
Tummy Time
I've got to go away. My mother will start to worry.
Baby It's Cold Outside.
This famous baby was born in 1978. A scientific miracle.
"test-tube baby" - Louise Brown?
The Sun accounts for approximately this percentage of the total mass of our solar system.
Newborns are often born with this soft area on their heads that requires gentle handling.
Don't Make Me Cry
Bye Bye Baby - Bay City Rollers
This famous giant panda cub born at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in 2020 captured hearts worldwide.
Xiao Qi Ji
The Sun emits particles in a continuous flow, creating this phenomenon that extends throughout the solar system.
What is the solar wind?
A newborn’s umbilical stump usually falls off within this range of days after birth.
What is 7 to 14 days?
And it's hard to get by just upon a smile.
Baby Baby It's A Wild World - Cat Stevens
This is the name of Feyre and Rhysand's baby in A Court of Thorn and Roses.