Main Idea and Supporting Details
Sentence Structure
Describing Plot

What is the main idea?

A very important food for a large number of people is bread. Bread is made from many kinds of grains. In the US people prefer wheat bread. Bread is a good source of energy.

A very important food for a large number of people is bread


What is a summary?

a. briefly retelling a story using important details a short story you write

b. a paragraph

c. a detailed piece of writing that tells a story

a. briefly retelling a story using important details a short story you write


Simple, compound, complex, or compound complex?

Susan's exasperated sister was in the middle of writing a paper when lightening struck her computer. 



What does Inference mean?

a. finding details in a story

b. Use clues from the text and what you already know to come up with an idea

c. Giving a reason for your answer

d. Using what I know

b. Use clues from the text and what you already know to come up with an idea


Exposition is the...

A. The end of the story where we find out what happened to the characters when the conflict is resolved.

B. The turning point of the story that the rising action has been building too.

C. Where the conflict is introduced and the story and rising action begin.

D. Beginning of the story line where the story is built and the characters and setting are introduced.

D. Beginning of the story line where the story is built and the characters and setting are introduced.


Surfing would be an even more popular sport if good waves could be found at all beaches. California and Hawaii are the most popular places for surfing. Hawaii is where it started. If more beaches had waves that would support surfing, many other people would be interested in the sport.

If more beaches had waves that would support surfing, many other people would be interested in the sport.


What information should go in your summary?

small details

the most important information

your opinion

a list of characters

the most important information


Simple, compound, complex, or compound complex?

The student in the blue jacket was soak from the rainstorm. 



To make an inference, we use evidence from the text, and our prior knowledge. 

True or False



Rising Action is...

A. The main character or “good guy” of the story.

B Beginning of the story line where the world is built and the characters and setting are introduced.

C. Where the story starts to get interesting and many of the main events happen. 

D. The turning point of the story that the rising action has been building too.

C. Where the story starts to get interesting and many of the main events happen.



Every second, hundreds of thunderstorms are born around the world. Thunderstorms are heavy rain showers. They can drop millions of gallons of water in a minute. Choose one supporting detail below.

a. Thunderstorms are heavy rain showers.

b. Every second, hundreds of thunderstorms are born around the world.

c. We call these changes in the air, weather.

b. Every second, hundreds of thunderstorms are born around the world.


When some people think about Texas, they think of cowboys on the open range-herding cattle up a dusty trail. However, Texas has much more than open prairie with large herds of cows. There are the mountains of West Texas, the piney hills of east Texas, and the emerald waters off the coast of Padre Island. Texas also has large coastal harbors with numerous sailboats, powerboats, inland lakes, rivers. The swamps of southeast Texas have alligators and other exotic wildlife.

The Summary of this passage is:

a. There are a lot of cows in Texas.

B. There are many different, varied parts of Texas.

c. Texas is one of the biggest states in the United States.

d. There are alligators in the swampland of southeast Texas.

a. There are a lot of cows in Texas.


Simple, compound, complex, or compound complex?

I will get to watch television, but first, I have to clean up the dishes after we finish eating.

compound complex


The desert if a very hot, dry place.  How might a coyote stay cool?

a. Sleep during the day and hunt at night.

b. Take a bath in the lake.

c. Grow thicker fur.

d. Build a home using a cactus.

a. Sleep during the day and hunt at night.


Climax is...

A. The end of the story where we find out what happened to the characters when the conflict is resolved.

B. The turning point of the story that the rising action has been building too.

C. Beginning of the story line where the world is built and the characters and setting are introduced.

D. The “villain” or “bad guy” of the story.

B. The turning point of the story that the rising action has been building too.


Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America. It is on the Niagara River halfway between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Niagara Falls is located on the American and Canadian border. The American Falls is 167 feet high. On the Canadian side, the Horseshoe Falls is 161 feet high.

Which of the following is NOT a supporting detail?

a. The American Falls is 167 feet high

b. The Horseshoe Falls is 161 feet high

c. Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America

d. It is located between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie

c. Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America


GameFAQs is a Web site that hosts walkthroughs for video games. It also has answers to many frequently asked questions to popular video games. The website was created in November 1995 by Jeff Veasey. The site has a lot of video game information. It is a place where gamers can get almost any information about games. It covers systems from the Atari to the Xbox 360. The Web site also covers computer games. The information on the Web site is given by volunteer gamers. Then, it is reviewed by the site's two editors, Jeff Veasey and Allen Tyner. The Web site also has a large message board community. Every game listed on the site has a board for discussion or game help. 

A. GameFAQs has a lot of information about video games. It helps people with questions they have about games. It also gives them information on how to play the games well. Users can post messages on the message boards.

B. GameFAQs is a good Web site that allows gamers to discuss all kinds of video and computer games. It was started in November 1995. Allen Tyner is one of the two editors who checks the information volunteers put on the Web site.

C. GameFAQs is a Web site that helps video gamers with their games. It was created in 1995 and covers old and new video and computer games. The site is run by two editors, who check volunteer information before putting it on the site.

D. GameFAQs has information on old and new video games. It has information for Xbox 360 games like Halo. It also has several message boards where gamers can discuss their favorite computer games. It was created by Jeff Veasey.

C. GameFAQs is a Web site that helps video gamers with their games. It was created in 1995 and covers old and new video and computer games. The site is run by two editors, who check volunteer information before putting it on the site.


Simple, compound, complex, compound complex?

The movie was over two hours long.



Before the 1800's people didn't have right or left shoes. They had shoes of just one shape that they used for both feet. When people first saw right and left shoes, they laughed. They called them "crooked shoes." "What a silly idea," they said. You can infer that shoes before 1800:

a. were pretty

b. didn't look alike

c. didn't fit very well

c. didn't fit very well



Falling Action is...

A. Beginning of the story line where the world is built and the characters and setting are introduced.

B. The moral or lesson learned from the story.

C. The end of the story where we find out what happened to the characters when the conflict is resolved.

D. The events that take place after the climax.

D. The events that take place after the climax.


Which detail supports the main idea of paragraph one?

a. Ben Franklin was a founding father of the U.S.

b. Ben Franklin was a known as a diplomat, printer, scientist and inventor.

c. Ben Franklin created various things such as the bifocal glass, Franklin stove, odometer, and nautical enhancemen.

a. Ben Franklin was a founding father of the U.S.



The Blackpole Warbler is a tiny bird that takes a really long trip. This little songbird lives in the forests of North America in the summer. However, when the weather turns cold in North America, the Blackpole Warbler takes flight. These small birds fly all the way to the Caribbean, where they spend the winter on warm tropical beaches. How far does the warbler fly for this tropical getaway? Scientists have tracked the Blackpole Warbler and say these amazing birds can fly over 1,700 miles!

Which is the best summary of this text?

A. The blackpole warbler is a small bird. It is also asongbird. It can fly.

B. The blackpole warbler is a small songbird that can flyover 1,700 miles.

C. The blackpole warbler is a small songbird that flies from North America all the way to the Caribbean. The bird flies over 1,700 miles.

D. Birds often migrate to warmer places in the winter.

C. The blackpole warbler is a small songbird that flies from North America all the way to the Caribbean. The bird flies over 1,700 miles.


Identify the complex sentence.

a. The boys were quite boisterous during the pep rally. 

b. Since my mom is out of town, I must stay with my aunt this week. 

c. I enjoy reading, but sometimes I prefer listening to the audio book. 

d.  After the dog ran, he ate popcorn and he drank a big soda. 

b. Since my mom is out of town, I must stay with my aunt this week.


Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. “9:48,” she shouted, “Holy cow!” Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door. What is Cassie's problem?

a. She is late for work

b. She will miss her flight at the airport

c. She is late for school

d. She is hungry

c. She is late for school


Resolution is...

A. The end of the story where we find out what happened to the characters when the conflict is resolved.

B. The ongoing issue that the main character is dealing with.

C. The moral or lesson learned from the story.

D. Where the conflict is introduced and the story and rising action begin.

A. The end of the story where we find out what happened to the characters when the conflict is resolved.