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What is geography?

The study of the world.


What is a compass rose?

A circle showing the cardinal and intermediate directions, printed on a map or chart. 


What is the difference between a compass and a compass rose?

A compass is a handheld object that you can use to find directions in real life, whereas a compass rose is a printed version that goes on a map or chart.


What are the four cardinal directions?

North South East West


What does the M stand for in mr. lip? What does it mean?

It stands for movement. It shows how people, products, information, and ideas get from place to place.


What is a cartographer?

A person who makes maps.


What are all the directions on a compass/rose? YOU CAN ABBREVIATE. 

North, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest.


On the quiz, what do you have to do when you send a vocab word?

You must write the definition out IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE!


What are the four intermediate directions?

northeast northwest southeast southwest


What does the L in mr. lip stand for? What does it mean? What are the two types?

It stands for location. It can help you find where something is in the world. The two types are absolute and relative.


What is physical geography? 

The study of the world's physical geographic features - land forms and bodies of water.


What is absolute location?

The exact place on Earth something is, usually given by coordinates or an address.


What is the purpose of studying the five themes of geography (MR.LIP)?

You will be able to find an area, and be able to describe where the area is, how that area affects the world, how the people in that area are, etc...


How many parts to the quiz are there? What are they?

Three parts: Fill in the definition, fill in the MR.LIP Theme, and draw and label the compass rose.


What does I stand for in mr. lip? What does it mean? Give an example.

It stands for interaction. It shows how we as humans adapt, modify, and depend on the environment. Cutting the grass.. e.g.


What is human geography?

The study of the world's human geographic features - culture, society, and landscapes. 


What is relative location?

A description of where something on Earth is, usually given by describing places around it.


When talking about place from MR.LIP, there are two types of examples you could give, what are they?

Physical characteristic and a Human characteristic.


What are all three directions on a compass/compass rose that point down?

South West, South, and South East.


What does p stand for in mr. lip? What does it mean? Give one example for any city in the world.

It stands for place. It describes how a specific area is special and different from other areas. Paris: Eiffel Tower


Give one example of an absolute location.

an address or coordinates


Give one example of a relative location.

describing where a place is by talking about its surroundings.


What is an example of Human Geography? 

Example: Religion, a specific building like the Tahj mahal


What is an example of Physical Geography?

Ex: mountain or river


What does r stand for in mr. lip? What does it mean? Give one example!

It stands for Region. It helps explain the bigger things found on a map; also is an area of Earth that has shared characteristics. Ex: New england