
Blue Origin would not divulge the cost of their tickets.— Cameron Goodnight, baltimoresun.com, 15 Oct. 2021 

divulge means... 

to make known (private or sensitive information)


The vast roof is made up of hundreds of semi-translucent panels that diffuse sunlight during the day to reduce glare and help cool the building.— Brandon Griggs, CNN, 11 Feb. 2022 

diffuse means...

spread or cause to spread over a wide area or among a large number of people.


Executives are concerned about angering the Chinese government, according to people familiar with the matter, especially as the company tries to accelerate a yearslong process of seeking to make inroads in China’s lucrative payments market.— Annamaria Andriotis, WSJ, 9 Feb. 2022 

Lucrative means...



The troops grumbled about the noxious smoke but to no avail: The burn pits were considered an imperfect but inevitable way to avoid hauling garbage through streets held by hostile occupation.— New York Times, 11 Jan. 2022 

noxious means...

Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant


How many albums does an artist need to sell to go Platinum? 



The EARN IT Act is part of a broader bipartisan push to rein in tech platforms, joining a slew of bills related to antitrust policy, content moderation or other issues.— Brian Fung, CNN, 11 Feb. 2022 

bipartisan (bipartisanship) means...

It is an agreement or cooperation between two political parties that usually oppose each other’s policies


And despite his Muslim faith, which emphasizes the sanctity of the body even in death, Adil had chosen to be an organ donor.— Annie Blanks, San Antonio Express-News, 7 Feb. 2022 

Sanctity means...

The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly


The intrepid Hero has just returned to civilization.— Washington Post, 5 Sep. 2021 

intrepid means...

fearless, adventurous 


The story of the match took on a Batman-Joker dynamic as Rollins laughed his way through Reigns’ offense, much to the chagrin of the Universal champion.— Alfred Konuwa, Forbes, 30 Jan. 2022 

chagrin means...

distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure


Which heavyweight boxers competed in the "Thrilla in Manila?"

Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier 


The mob proceeded to heckle and accost Lady Bird and LBJ, who was Kennedy’s running mate.— Michael Granberry, Dallas News, 10 Sep. 2021 

accost means...

to approach and speak to (someone) in an often challenging or aggressive way


Still, people said just being able to see familiar faces — even if partly obscured by masks — has been a source of solace at a time when the pandemic has left many feeling isolated.— New York Times, 8 Feb. 2022 

solace means...

Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness


Trump has endorsed Youngkin multiple times and called into a rally organized by a right-wing radio host this month to exhort the crowd to vote for him.— Arkansas Online, 25 Oct. 2021 

exhort means...

to incite by argument or advice : urge strongly


The contempt for and indifference to ordinary workers— particularly those in manufacturing—exhibited by the Democratic Party for the past three decades led directly to Trump’s election in 2016.— John R. Macarthur, Harper’s Magazine , 7 Dec. 2021 

Contempt means...

Regarding something as being worthless, or deserving scorn


What is the former capital city of Ottoman Empire, Constantinople, known as today? 



Saint enters that canon with its tale of monk Aiden Bell and his quest to determine which is a holier choice — his life as an ascetic monk or his love for Elijah Iverson?— Maureen Lee Lenker, EW.com, 10 Dec. 2021

ascetic means... 

Characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons


Sorokin was indignant, even following through on a threat to register website domains in all of the managers’ names, but eventually wired the hotel $30,000.— Washington Post, 2 Jan. 2022 

indignant means...

feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.


Trudon, the venerable Parisian candle-maker since 1643, marries rose and verbena in an exquisite candle named La Marquise after Madame de Pompadour.— Aleksandra Crapanzano, Bon Appétit, 7 Feb. 2022 

venerable means...

accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.


In Ontario, for instance, the provincial Conservative government put stickers on every gas pump warning about the effect of the carbon price.— Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic, 26 Jan. 2022 

Provincial means...

relating to or of a province, often with the connotation of being narrow minded or lacking sophistication. 


The only planet named after a female character  is...



And it’s not just the federal government that is having to delineate between hate crimes and bias incidents.— Washington Post, 29 Jan. 2022 

delineate means...

 to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail


But while their observations are interesting, their presence in the film (and the clips from the production) seem more redolent of star power than insightful historical commentary.— Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter, 1 Oct. 2019 

redolent means...

strongly suggestive of/ aromatic. 


The document’s full text, released only yesterday, showed that the 36,000 character treatise puts extensive focus on the party’s achievements, rather than any failings.— Jane Li, Quartz, 17 Nov. 2021\

treatise means...

 a systematic exposition or argument in writing including a methodical discussion of the facts and principles involved and conclusions reached


In the Global South, the paucity of vaccines means more sickness and death, along with economic damage to societies already mired in hunger and poverty.— The Week Staff, The Week, 19 Dec. 2021 

paucity means...



Who is the first pilot to break the sound barrier? 

Chuck Yeager