Dutch, French, and German settlers and their descendants in South Africa.
A system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
What is: Totalitarianism?
An economic activity that includes collecting, harvesting, or extracting natural resources.
What is: Primary level of economic activity
The world's physical features, landforms, bodies of water, climates, soils and plants.
What is: Physical features?
Periods where little rain falls and crops are damaged
What is: Drought?
South Africa's government policy of separation of races that was abandoned in the 1980's.
What is: Apartheid?
A political system in which the government owns all property and dominates all aspects of life.
What is: Communism?
An economic activity that includes the act of processing and manufacturing natural resources.
The effort to remove all members of an ethnic group from a country or religion.
What is: Ethnic cleansing?
The spread of desert like conditions
What is: Desertification?
What is: Animism?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, it provides security against the Soviet Union for European countries.
What is: NATO?
An economic activity that includes the act of providing a service to someone.
What is: Tertiary level of economic activity?
Describe or portray something precisely.
What is: Delineated?
An extreme shortage of food.
Afrikaners frontier farmers in South Africa.
Energy produced from the heat of Earth’s interior.
What is: Geothermal Energy?
The livelihood in which someone will make or gather their own resources only for themselves.
What is: Subsistence livelihoods?
A type of government in which a king shares power with an elected parliament and a prime minister.
What is: Parliamentary Monarchy?
The intentional destruction of a people.
What is: Genocide?
Places on Earth's surface where the crust stretches until it breaks.
What is: Rift Valley?
Conflict between 2 or more different nations.
What is: International Conflict?
A regional integration system that works to bring down tariffs and establish free trade.
What is: Mercosur?
A type of democracy in which a monarch serves as a head of state but a legislature makes the laws.
What is: Constitutional Monarchy?
A condition of not getting enough nutrients from food.
What is: Malnutrition?