Starts with a B
Column 2

The old house had a bizarre collection of antique toys and furniture. I've never seen anything like it before. What does "bizarre mean".

ADJECTIVE: strange or unusual


The scientist's theory about climate change was based on years of research and data. What does "theory" mean?

NOUN: an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events.


The chef’s new dish looked so appetizing, with its vibrant colors and enticing aroma, that everyone at the table couldn’t wait to try it.

ADJECTIVE: tasting very good, mouthwatering, savory, delicious, yummy


"The sudden loud noise alarmed the birds, causing them to fly away." What does "alarmed" mean?

ADJECTIVE: frightened or concerned that one may be in danger.


After working on the project for hours, we decided to call it a day and continue the next morning. We were all exhausted and needed some rest.

To stop working on something


Sarah is a brainy student who always gets top grades in her classes. She's very intelligent and loves to learn.

ADJECTIVE: having or showing intelligence


After losing her job and facing financial difficulties, Maria remained resilient and eventually found a new position. What does the word “resilient” mean in this sentence?

ADJECTIVE: the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.


The sour candy was so tart that it made my face contort. What does the word “tart” mean in this sentence?

ADJECTIVE: bitter, sour in taste or effect

Cranberry juice, grapefruit


The fan was enthusiastic about seeing their favorite band perform live. What does enthusiastic mean.

ADJECTIVE: strong excitement and active interest in something.


After a long day of work, I was exhausted and ready to hit the sack.

Go to sleep

The magician's tricks were so impressive that they bamboozled the audience. No one could figure out how he did it. What does "bamboozle" mean?

VERB: fool or cheat (someone)


Despite numerous setbacks, the athlete continued to persevere in her training, eventually achieving her goal of winning the gold medal. What does the word “perseverance” mean in this sentence?

NOUN: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.


"The farmer carefully nourished the young plants with water and sunlight," what does the word "nourished" most likely mean?

VERB: provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.


The teacher was livid when she discovered the students had cheated on the test. What does "livid" mean.

ADJECTIVE: extremely angry


When faced with a challenge, Maria always tries to maintain a glass half full perspective, believing that there's always a positive outcome to be found.

 looking at a situation positively


The desert landscape was barren with little to no vegetation. There were hardly any plants or trees to be found. What does "barren" mean?

ADJECTIVE: empty, lifeless. Specifically talking about land being unable to grow crops/food.


The company's success can be attributed to its commitment to innovation, constantly developing new and improved products. What does the word “innovation” mean in this sentence?

NOUN: The introduction of something new; a new method, idea, product, etc.


What does the word “nourishment” most likely mean in the following sentence: “The mother bird carefully gathered worms and berries to provide nourishment for her hungry chicks?”

NOUN: the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.


Despite the pouring rain and gloomy clouds, Sarah remained optimistic that the picnic would still be enjoyable. What does "optimistic" mean?

ADJECTIVE: to be hopeful; thinking positively about something


At the store, the old video games were a dime a dozen. You could pick up a classic game for just a dollar or two.

to be common and/or of very little value


The news article showed a clear bias towards the political party it supported. It presented information in a way that favored the party's views. What does "bias" mean?

NOUN: in favor of or against one thing, person, or group; usually in a way considered to be unfair.

A set expectation one has prior to understanding the bigger picture.


Even when faced with temptation, Sarah always acted with integrity, refusing to compromise her moral principles. What does the word “integrity” mean in this sentence?

NOUN: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

Believing in what you think, and standing by it.


"The hiker was so hungry after a long day of trekking that she had to ration her remaining nourishment to make it to the campsite. She chugged the last of her water and devoured the energy bar in one bite," what does the word "ration" most likely mean?

VERB. To divide something into parts for limited use.


The complex math problem left the student perplexed for hours.

ADJECTIVE: confused, stumped

Not only did I miss the train, but I also dropped my phone and broke it. To add insult to injury, it started pouring rain as I had to walk home.

To make a bad situation worse