To go beyond or over set limits; To break a rule
What is to transgress
Notice of death with biographical information
what is an obituary
The absence of color
what is true black
an incident in a person's life or story or play
what is an episode
Jacks grandma
what is gam gam
permitting light to pass through but not transparent
What is translucent
Environment; The surrounding atmosphere
what is ambience
The part of speech of obituary
what is a noun
mass departure or emigration
what is an exodus
Davis rizz
what is L rizz
The first letter of the alphabet
what is A
passing Quickly; transitory
what is transient
The largest animal to ever exist
what is the blue whale
Ellie's middle name
what is rose
wWhat does Rocco say when he calls his mother
Lasting for only a short while
What is transitory
hello in spanish
what is hola
Straying from what is normal or accepted
what is aberration
Lilis middle name
what is Sasha
WHat does mewing give you
What is a snatched jawline
Describing an action carried from subject to verb to object; needing a direct object to complete the meaning of a verb
What is transitive
the part of speech of transitive
what is adjetive
irregular or inconsistent in movement, habit, quality, or ideas
what is erratic
Roccos ethnicity
what is the rizzlery
How much aura does Jack have
what is trillion