Data Collection
Creating an experiment

A factor in an experiment that can be manipulated by the researcher.

Independent Variable


Problems in research that raise concerns about the welfare of participants are known as this....

Ethical issues


What type of data does a closed question produce?



Brenda wants to test the effects of coffee on work productivity using two separate groups of people. One group will drink coffee before work, the other group will not. What type of experimental design is Brenda using?

Independent Measures design


This is a study conducted by watching the participants’ behavior in a situation which the setting has been manipulated by the researcher.

Controlled observation


A factor  in an experiment in which the researcher has no direct control over, and is expected to change under the influence of the independent variable.

Dependent variable

What are two ways to increase the reliability of an experiment?

Do more trials.

Do it with more participants.

Make it easy to replicate.


A research method, such as a questionnaire or interview, which obtains data by asking participants to provide information about themselves



What is a repeated measures design?

An experimental design in which each participant performs in every level of the IV.

What is an overt observation?

An observation in which the role of the observer is obvious to the participants.


Coach Johnson wants to determine whether different brands of basketballs result in more made baskets with her basketball team. Things such as fatigue of players, amount of air in the balls, and how slippery the court is may affect the number of shots made. These factors would be know as what?

Extraneous variables


What is meant by 'ecological validity?'

The extent to which the findings of research in one situation would generalize to other situations. This is influenced by whether the situation represents the real world effectively and whether the task is relevant to real life.


John's soccer coach gave each player a survey about their eating habits to evaluate each player's fitness level. One concern the coach has is that players will lie about the amount of junk food they eat to present themselves in a more positive manner. What is this tendency to present oneself in a positive light known as?

Social desirability bias


Dr. Smith puts out an ad on social to recruit 100 people to test out a new weight loss drug. What type of sampling technique is Dr. Smith using?

Volunteer sample


What is one weakness of an overt observation?

Participants may change their normal behavior if they know they're being watched.


Individual differences between people in the sample, such as age, personality, and intelligence. These can affect behavior and the relationship between IV and DV.

Participant variables


Dr. Holzel conducted an experiment and found that people who regularly engage in mindfulness practices are better at controlling their emotions. How could this finding be applied to a real-world situation?

(Think about who could use this information, and how could they use it?)

Numerous correct answers. 

Ex: A person with an anxiety disorder could engage in a mindfulness routine to help control and reduce anxiety.

A person with impulsive behavior could engage in mindfulness to gain better control of their emotions and reduce impulsive episodes.


Mr. Frank is a principal at a school and wants to observe student behavior in the lunchroom, but he doesn't want the students to know he is watching. Specifically, he is only concerned with how many students throw away their trash and how many leave it on the table. Determine which types of observation Mr. Frank is performing for each number:

1. Controlled or naturalistic 

2.Covert or overt

3. Structured or unstructured

Naturalistic, covert, and structured.

He is not interfering, his role as observer is not obvious, and he is only recording data on certain behaviors.


Coach Renfro wants to investigate the effectiveness of chocolate milk as a workout recovery drink using his 5th period weight lifting class as his participants. What type of sampling technique is he using?

Opportunity sample


Susan is concerned about her friend Vanessa and decides to observe her during the 3rd period math class they have together. In her notebook, Susan secretly records all the behaviors she sees from Vanessa during the one hour class. Susan then shares her findings with her close friends. What 4 types of observations was Susan doing?

1. Naturalistic observation (no manipulation from Susan, and in natural setting)

2. Participant observer (a student in class)

3. Covert observer (secretly recorded data)

4. Unstructured Observation (records all the behaviors she sees) 

Therefore, Susan is a covert participant observer in an unstructured naturalistic observation.


The dependent variable MUST be ________________.



Explain one strength and one weakness relating to generalizability of the following sample.

50 men, aged 18-70, who are either enrolled in or attended college at the University of Louisville.

Strengths - can be generalized to a wide age range of men

Weaknesses - cannot generalize to women or children, or non-college educated men.


What are the three types of interview techniques?

1. Structured

2. Unstructured

3. Semi-structured


Identify one reason a researcher may use deception. How might deception weaken a study?

They would use deception to hide the true aims in order to reduce demand characteristics (participants changing their behavior because they know what the experiment is about).

It may weaken the study because deception can be unethical.


What ethical guidelines did Susan break in her observation from the 400 point question?

She did not get informed consent from her friend. Her friend was not given the right to withdraw as she did not know she was being observed. She broke confidentiality by sharing Vanessa's information.