rechts abbiegen
turn right
das Brot
the bread
WHO was the queen of England?
Queen Elizabeth II.
Where is the sausage better? England or Germany
In Germany
Was heißt Pommes auf english?
What kinda crisps to they like in England?
The people in England like Salt and Vinegar crisps.
How to get to the Edeka if you start at the school?
Go straight on and then turn left (onto Kreinsloger St). and then go straight on again. Turn right (onto Streikenkamp) and then right again (onto Heidleirchen St.) and the Edeka would be on the right side.
What is a tomato? A fruit or a vegetable?
Of course it is a fruit
Is it England or Great Britain?
Great Britain is not a country because its England,Scottland,Ireland,Wales,Northen Ireland, so its England