whats a synonyms for apparel
garments,deck out,attire
whats the definition for adverse
unfavorable,negative,working against,hostil
finish the sentence
Their was a ______ on the bus telling the black person I want this seat.
what is a antonim for gloet
What is synonom for constarain
What does diversity mean
finish the sentance
Although California leads the nation in farming, crops won’t grow in its most ______ regions.
What is an antonym for motavate
What is the definision for iluison
(n.) a false idea; something that one seems to see or be aware of that really does not exist
finish the sentence
The dentist put ice on my tooth to ______ the pain
What is an antonym for global
(ant.) regional, provincial
finish the sentance
The jogger was injured by an unknown _______, who left him immobile at the side of the road.
what does vacat mean
To leave,depart,abanden
what is a synonom for partisan
what does oracal mean
someone or something that can predict the future
Finish the sentanse
A broken toe can be a major ______ for a skater who hopes to qualify for the Olympics.
what does vagabond mean
a wonderer