What is the Spanish word for "car"?
el coche
What is the Spanish word for "plane"?
el avión
What is the Spanish word for "train"?
el tren
What is the Spanish word for "one-way ticket"?
el boleto sencillo
How do you say "to brake" in Spanish?
How do you say "boarding pass" in Spanish?
a tarjeta de embarque
How do you say "train station" in Spanish?
la estación de tren
How do you say "round trip ticket" in Spanish?
el boleto de ida y vuelta
What do you call the "gas station" in Spanish?
la gasolinera
What does "despegar" mean in English?
to take off
What does "el andén" refer to in English?
train platform
What does "facturar el equipaje" mean in English?
to check luggage
What is the term for "driver's license" in Spanish?
la licencia de conducir
What is the term for "flight attendant" in Spanish?
la/el auxiliar de vuelo
What is the Spanish term for "train car"?
el vagón
What is the term for "carry-on luggage" in Spanish?
el equipaje de mano
What does "poner una multa" mean in English?
to give a ticket
What does "vuelo directo" mean?
direct flight
What does "con retraso" mean?
with a delay
What does "la clase turista" refer to?
economy class or coach