Parts of Speech

Give the definition of the noun, "taco"

A corn tortilla folded around a filling such as pastor and onions and cilantro, salsa  


What is the definition of the word eat.

to put or take food into the mouth, chew it, and swallow it

exp: What do you like to eat?


What is the meaning of the adjective, "fast"?

Able to accomplish something in short amount of time.



What is a noun?

A noun is a word that refers to a thing (a book), a person (Albert Einstein), an animal (dog), a place (McDonald's), a quality (loyalty), an idea (love), or an action (yodeling). 


Define the word hope. 

To trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone; or to expect something beneficial in the future.

exp. We hope for Jesus' return.


What is the definition of the noun, "mom"

The female parent of a child


What does the word drink mean?

to take liquid into the body through the mouth

exp. I love to drink coffee in the mornings


Give the definition of the adverb, "slowly"

to do something in a slow manner, not quickly


What is the definition of verb?


What is a word that means to be set apart, to be like God.


exp. I want to be more like Jesus; I want to be more holy.


Define the noun, "cake"

A sweet baked food made of flour, liquid, eggs, and other ingredients, such as raising agents and flavorings.  


Define the verb run.

(of people and some animals) to move along, faster than walking, by taking quick steps in which each foot is lifted before the next foot touches the ground:


Define the adjective, "sweet"

Having the taste of sugar or a substance resembling sugar

When talking about a person, it can mean that they are kind 


What is 

1. the word that describes a verb, adjective or an adverb, and tell how, when, where, how much and how often.

2. the word that describes a noun or pronoun

1. Adverb

2. Adjective


What does the word glorious mean?

The definition of glorious is a person or thing that is magnificent and worthy of high praise.

exp. The ocean is a beautiful work of our glorious Creator.


What is a "grocery store"?

A store where you can buy food and things for your house.



What does the verb work mean?

to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money

exp. It's not unusual for a junior doctor to work a 70 or sometimes an 80-hour week.


What does the adjective "short" mean?

Having little length; not long 

Having little height; not tall.


In a sentence, what is the subject and what is the predicate? 


What is resurrection?

The condition of having been restored to life.

exp. Jesus' resurrection from the dead brought victory over death.


Define the noun, "forgiveness"

forgiveness is a decision to release feelings of resentment or anger toward a person or group who has harmed you


What is the definition of climb?

to use your legs, or your legs and hands, to go up or onto the top of something

exp. When children are young, they climb on anything they can.


Define the adverb, "precisely"

In an exact manner; accurately


What are the parts of speech in this sentence:

Animals like kind people.

Animals- Noun

Like- Verb

Kind- Adjective

People- Noun


What does the word Sabbath mean?

In the bible, sabbath is the seventh day of the week observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening as a day of rest and worship by Jews

Sunday is observed among Christians as a day of rest and worship 

means a time of rest

exp. God was wise to command the Sabbath, so that His people could rest.