To observe in a special way
What is celebrate?
What is to decide?
To loot
What is ransack?
The syllable breakdown of abstract
What is ab/stract?
The syllable breakdown of celebrate
What is cel/e/brate?
To gain again
What is regain?
Expressing an idea outside reality
What is abstract?
What is advance?
The syllable breakdown of advance
What is ad/vance?
The syllable breakdown of regain
What is re/ gain?
Eager to learn
What is curious?
To move forward
What is advance?
To praise
What is celebrate?
The syllable breakdown of bandstand
What is band/ stand?
The syllable breakdown of curious
What is cu/ ri/ ous?
The act of maginifying
What is magnification?
An outdoor stage a band performs on
What is a bandstand?
To recover
What is regain?
The syllable breakdown of ransack
What is ran/ sack?
The syllable breakdown of microscope
What is mi/ cro/ scope?
Scientific instrument used to zoom in on a small specimen
What is a microscope?
To search through in order to rob
What is ransack?
What is curious?
The syllable breakdown of transplant
What is trans/ plant?
What is mag/ ni/ fi/ ca/ tion?