What is the meaning of overt?
open and able to see/not hidden or secret
What is the meaning of debut?
To make first appearance/public appearance
What is the meaning of adept?
Highly skilled
What is the meaning of resourceful?
Practical/good at solving problems
What is the word that means easy to deceive?
What is the meaning of veracity?
truthfellness and accuracy/conformity to fact or truth
Making something that has never been made before
What is the meaning of finesse?
To handle with skill
What is the meaning of prodigy?
Having great skill or talent
What is the word that means to board a ship or plane?
GWhat is the meaning of gullible?
Easy to deceive or trick
A beginner or someone that is new to something
What is the meaning of virtuoso?
A master artist
What is the meaning of reputable?
Having a good reputation
What is the word that means first appearance or show?
What is the meaning of guile?
sly intelligence/ being smart witht the intent of deceiving
What is the meaning of generate?
To make/create something
What is the meaning on painstaking?
Demanding/takes alot of work
What is the meaning of iniative?
A beginning or introductory step
What is the word that means to bring a topic for discussion?
What is the meaning of duplicity?
deliberate deception in behaviour or speech
What is the meaning of incipent?
Beginning to exist or appear
What is the meaning of astute?
What is the meaning of convene?
To meet formally
What is the word that means highest point?