How can you say "arbol" in English?
How can you say "patio de juegos" in English?
What is the fourth day of the week?
How can you say "levantarse" in English?
Get up
How can you say "tomar jugo" in English
drink juice
How can you say "pasto" in English?
Name 2 places in the school
reception, cafetería, library, gym, etc.
Say correctly the months
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Tell me one hour
How can you say "amar" in English
How can you say "hoja de arbol" in English?
Spell "campo de deportes" in English
sport field
Spell "martes" and "junio" in English
Tuesday, June
Write correctly 6:15 with words
Six fifteen
What is the meaning of "enjoy"
Spell "conejillo de indias" in English
guinea pig
Name 3 subjects of the school
English, music and Spanish
What is the eighth month of the year and spell it
Write correctly 8:45 with words
eight forty-five
Tell me 4 words of your vocabulary
Watch TV, wash the car, do the dishes, eat a sandwich
How can you say "mariposa" in English and spell it
What is the name of the place where you can make science?
science lab
Say correctly the days of the week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Write a sentence using the clock and an activity
Write one sentence using the vocabulary
Ex. I eat a sandwich