antagonism (meaning, pos, related words, pattern in sentence)

a strong opposition to or hatred of someone else; noun; antagonist, antagonize, antagonistic; strong antagonism


oppression (meaning, pos, related words, pattern in sentence)

the act of being treated unfairly or cruelly; noun; oppress, oppressed, oppressive; face oppression


allegiance (meaning, pos, related words, pattern in sentence)

loyalty to or support for a leader, country, belief, etc.; noun; no related words; full allegiance


subversive (meaning, pos, related words, pattern in sentence)

intending to damage or destroy a government, society, religion, etc.; adj; subvert; very subversive


compulsory (meaning, pos, related words, pattern in sentence)

if something is compulsory, it must be done because of a rule or law; adj; compulsion; no common patterns


resilient (meaning, pos, related words, pattern in sentence)

able to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event; adj; resilience, resiliently; extremely resilient


cohesion (meaning, pos, related words, pattern in sentence)

the ability to fit together or stay together well; noun; cohesive, cohesively; no common patterns


exploitation (meaning, pos, related words, pattern in sentence)

a situation in which someone treats someone else unfairly in order to earn money or get an advantage; noun; exploit, exploited, exploiter; direct exploitation