
Define the word hesitated.

What is to wait or to stop.


what is the "setting" of a story?

What is when and where the story takes place.


Give one detail from the text (story) the "Talent Show" that describes how Maura felt when... 

"Tina ran over the the bulletin board and read the poster. "Maura, what's our act going to be? Tina asked me.

"Our act?" I said, taking a tighter grip on my books.

What is "taking a tighter grip on my books."


Summarize what happened first (beginning) of the story the "Talent Show?"

Answers may vary


Define the word desperately.

What is to try anything to change a difficult situation.


The tortoise and the hare were going to have a race. The hare knew he was faster than the tortoise. After the race had begun, the hare decided he was fast enough that he could take a break and catch up to the tortoise later. The tortoise, even though he was slow, kept trying his hardest to win the race. When the hare tried to catch up and beat the tortoise it was too late. He had waited too long to try to win the race and the tortoise beat him. Where can we infer is the setting of the story

What is a race track.

What is a path.

(answers may vary)


Find evidence from the text that shows the problem Maura faces.

During math, I tried to think of how I would tell Tina that I wanted to do my own act. After all, we are best friends; we should be able to see eye to eye about this. The problem is Tina always takes charge, I don't speak up, and then I end up feeling resentful about the whole situation.

What is Maura is not good at saying what she wants.


Summarize what happened second (middle) of the story the "Talent Show?"

Answers may vary.


Define uncomfortably.

What is uneasily.


The Bulls and the Lion A lion had been watching three bulls feeding in an open field. He had tried to attack them several times, but they kept together and helped each other to drive him off. The lion had little hope of eating them, for he was no match for three strong bulls with their sharp horns and hoofs. But he could not keep away from that field, for it is hard to resist watching a good meal, even when there is little chance of getting it. Then one day the bulls had a fight. When the hungry lion came to lick his chops and watch them as he did each day, he found them in separate corners of the field, as far away from one another as they could get. It was now an easy matter for the lion to attack the bulls one at a time. What is the setting of the story?

What is an open field.


What can you infer about Tina? Find one detail from the text to support your response.

My grip on my books became uncomfortably tight. "You want to do an act together?"

"It'll be fun, " Tina said.

I hesitated for a second before continuing, "I've got an idea and..."

Tina interrupted me. "Yeah, me too; let's talk at lunch.

What is Tina is rude.

What is Tina is bossy.

What is Tine is not a good listener.

(answers may vary)


Summarize what happened third (end) of the story the "Talent Show?"

Answers may vary.

Define humiliated. 

What is to be made to feel ashamed or foolish.


What was the setting of the story the "Talent Show"

What is a school.


Find evidence from the text that shows Tina likes to take charge.

Tina ran over to the bulletin board and read the poster. "Maura, what's our act going to be?" Tina asked me.

"Our act?" I said, taking a tighter grip on my books.

What is "Maura, what's our act going to be?" Tina asked me.

Define accountable.

What is to be responsible.


In a field one summer's day a grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. A group of ants walked by, grunting as they struggled to carry plump kernels of corn. "Where are you going with those heavy things?" asked the grasshopper. Without stopping, the first ant replied, "To our ant hill. This is the third kernel I've delivered today." "Why not come and sing with me," teased the grasshopper, "instead of working so hard?" "We are helping to store food for the winter," said the ant, "and think you should do the same." "Winter is far away and it is a glorious day to play," sang the grasshopper. But the ants went on their way and continued their hard work. The weather soon turned cold. All the food lying in the field was covered with a thick white blanket of snow that even the grasshopper could not dig through. Soon the grasshopper found itself dying of hunger. He staggered to the ants' hill and saw them handing out corn from the stores they had collected in the summer. He begged them for something to eat. "What!" cried the ants in surprise, "haven't you stored anything away for the winter? What in the world were you doing all last summer?" "I didn't have time to store any food," complained the grasshopper; "I was so busy playing music that before I knew it the summer was gone." The ants shook their heads in disgust, turned their backs on the grasshopper and went on with their work. What is the moral of the story?

What is a field.


Define characters.

What is who the story is about.