Definitions 1
Definitions 2
Definitions 3

What is the definition for the word buoyant?

Able to float in a liquid or rise in air or gas.


What is the definition for the word acknowledge?

of vital importance; crucial.


What is the definition for the word gratitude?

the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.


What is the definition for the word channels?

a length of water wider than a strait, joining two larger areas of water, especially two seas.


What is the definition for the word culprit?

a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed.


What is the definition for the word adze?

a tool similar to an axe, with an arched blade at right angles to the handle, used for cutting or shaping large pieces of wood.


What is the definition for the word sennit?

braided straw, hemp, or similar fibrous material used in making hats.


What is the definition for the word deference?

humble submission and respect.


What is the definition for the word mast?

a tall upright post, spar, or other structure on a ship or boat, in sailing vessels generally carrying a sail or sails.


What is the definition for the word thatch?

a roof covering of straw, reeds, palm leaves, or a similar material.


What is the definition for the word bolster?

support or strengthen; prop up.


What is the definition for the word extracting?

remove or take out, especially by effort or force.


What is the definition for the word elation?

great happiness and exhilaration.


What is the definition for the word humble?

having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.


What is the definition for the word extinct?

having no living members; no longer in existence.