Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Vocabulary 3
Class Rules

The art and science of healing

What is medicine?


Warm up


Cool down

What is 3 parts to an exercise?


1. Identify a problem, Hypothesis, Collect information, Interpret information

2. The study of knowledge based on science and experimentation 

1. What is the scientific method?

2. What is science?


I can't grade handwriting, so where would you find your work if there is no name on it?

What is the lost and found bin on the computer cart?


The study of how plants and animals use to grow and to sustain life

What is nutrition science?


The study of human movement

What is kinesiology?


The study of the chemical makeup of food

What is food science?


You have one class period to turn it in after the due date

What is the late work policy?


A science focused on preventing disease, promoting wellness, and high quality of life

What is health science?


A branch of kinesiology that focuses on skill learning and the control of human movements

What is motor learning?


A branch of kinesiology that focuses on studying the tissues that make up the human body

What is exercise anatomy?


You are responsible for making up your work, and have the same amount of days you were absent to turn it in

What is the absent policy? 


The branch of kinesiology that explores how physical activity affects body systems

What is exercise physiology?


exercise psychology, motor learning, biomechanics, exercise physiology, exercise anatomy, exercise sociology, sport pedagogy 

What are the seven branches of kinesiology?


A branch of kinesiology that focuses on the study of human behavior in all types of physical activity, including sport and exercise for fitness 

What is exercise psychology?


You don't have a "C" or higher and you have chronic absenteeism 

What is you won't exit?


A branch of kinesiology that seeks to understand the human machine and motions through the principles of physics

What is biomechanics?


A branch of kinesiology that studies the social relationships and interactions in physical activity, including sports

What is exercise sociology?


A branch of kinesiology that focuses on studying teaching and learning in many different physical activity settings including school physical education, on sport teams, and in fitness clubs. 

What is sport pedagogy?


You don't turn in your classwork, bellringers, quizzes, and you copy off your friends work thinking Mrs. Blake wont notice

What is you get a ZERO?