This sport is very popular in the United States, and has a "net" on each end of the court.
To go in the pool, you should wear a _____.
This fruit can be red or green, and it can also be used to make a pie or a juice.
_____ you hold all of those boxes, or do you need help?
1. Can
In one day, I found €100 on the ground, a four-leaf clover in a field, and saw a double rainbow! I am the ______ (lucky) person alive!
When it is very sunny, I wear _____ on my feet and a _____ on my head.
1. Sandals
2. Hat
A classic spanish tortilla is made with three ingredients: _____, _____, and _____.
1. eggs
2. onions
3. potatoes
You _____ come to the cinema with us tonight, it would be more fun with you!
Spain has beaches, mountains, cities, and amazing food. It is the ______ (good) country in the world!
You can't play these sports in the summer. [2 SPORTS]
I have three types of shoes: _____, _____, and _____. They are helpful for different seasons and environments.
Trainers, sandals, and boots.
When I go to McDonalds, I get a _____ for my meal, _____ for a snack on the side, and a chocolate _____ as a sweet drink.
2. Chips (fries)
3. Shake
You _______ wear your seatbelt in the car because it is the law. Also, you _______ text and drive, because that is also the law.
I hate carrots, they are the _______ (bad) vegetable in the world!
_____ is similar to _____. The main difference is that you cannot _____ in one of them.
1. Judo
2. Karate
3. Kick
No, Maya, you can't wear a T-shirt and _____ to your Sweet 16 birthday party, you must wear a _____!
1. Jeans
2. Dress
_____ is sweet, _____ is savory, and _____ has a little spice! To cook a good meal, you probably need all three.
1. Sugar
2. Salt
3. Pepper
I ______ go to the party with you this weekend because I have to study, but you _______ go without me!
1. Can't
2. Should / Can
When I have a problem I always call my mom, because she is the _______ (helpful) out of everyone in my family.
To win a game in _____, the players must _____ and _____ catch the ball. They can also _____ the ball to get more points.
1. football
2. throw
3. catch
4. kick
The opposite of trousers are _____ and the opposite of a T-shirt is a _____, but a coat and a _____ are very similar.
1. shorts
2. sweater
3. jacket
Gazpacho is a type of _____, made from _____.
1. Soup
2. Tomatoes
I _______ tell you this, but Nico has a crush on you. You _______ tell him that I told you! He said that I _______ tell anyone.
1. Shouldn't
2. Can't / Mustn't
3. Can't / Mustn't
My family had a running competition to see who could run the ________ (far). I won, and my brother was the _______ (angry) out of all of my siblings.