Vocabulary Set 1
Vocabulary Set 2
Vocabulary Set 3
Rhetorical Appeals

Fill in the blank

The forest was so ________  you can barely see.

What is dense?


Which word refers to a political system where people select their government by voting?

What is democracy?


What is the definition of cognizant?

What is to know?


What are the three types of rhetorical appeals?

What is ethos, pathos, logos?


Which word defines the act of following rules with purpose?

What is discipline


Fill in the blank

The secretary wrote down the meeting minutes ___________ to make sure they were accurate.

What is verbatim?


Fill in the blank:

The film is __________ from start to finish.

What is unrelenting?


Fill in the blank: 

The school issued a ________ on all after-school activities due to the weather.

What is moratorium?


What type of appeal is this statement:

Dentists all over the country recommend this toothbrush.

What is ethos?


Fill in the blank:
The city _________ the event for this weekend.

What is sanctions?


What is a traditional dwelling of the Navajo tribes called?

What is hogan?


Fill in the blank:
He was a hero to _________ of students.

What is generations?


What is the definition of consent?

What is to give permission; to say yes?


What type of appeal is this statement:

Reading books each day is beneficial and all students should read for at least twenty minutes each day. Studies have shown that students who read this amount score in the 98th percentile on standardized tests.

What is logos?


What is the appeal used in this statement:
When you are on your deathbed, you will regret not making more meaningful connections to people more than you will regret not making enough money.

What is pathos?


Fill in the blank:

She is asking for _________ to the nearest gas station.

What is direction?


What is the definition of patriotism?

What is love for one's country?


Fill in the blank:

The sudden drop in temperature could _______ a severe snowstorm.

What is precipitate?


What type of appeal is used for this statement?

Please donate to my cousin. She is going through her third round of chemotherapy and the medical bills are piling up.

What is pathos?


What type of appeal is used in this statement:

I know that you have many choices when you are looking for a nanny, but I hope you can consider how many years I have worked in childcare.

What is ethos?


Fill in the blank:

She showed a ________ attitude when dealing with the difficult situation.

What is mature?


What is the word that goes with the definition " a person who asks questions in a court of law"?

What is judge?


Fill in the blank:

He is ______ of his duties as a father.

What is cognizant?


What type of appeal is used for this statement? 

Alternative medicines have shown no real impact on overall health of patients. Even though they claim to offer miracle cures, look to the facts to decide which treatments to seek.

What is logos?


Fill in the blank:

He is content with the ________________ and does not like change.

What is status quo?