To continue doing what one is doing
(clue: k_ _ _ g _ _ _ _)
To keep going
To do or play something regularly in order to become skilled at it
(clue: p _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
To practise
An object used for hitting the ball in various sports (for instance, in tennis, badminton or paddle)
(clue: r _ _ _ _ _)
Someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport
(clue: c _ _ _ _)
An area covered with grass, used for playing sports
(clue: f _ _ _ _)
A phrasal verb meaning participate
(clue: t _ _ _ p _ _ _ i_)
To take part in
Try to be more successful than other player or try to win in some sport/activity
(clue: c _ _ _ _ _ _)
To compete
A type of shoe that is worn for sport
(clue: trainers)
The total points for each side in a game
(clue: s _ _ _ _)
A player on the same team
(clue: t _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
A phrasal verb meaning happen
(clue: t _ _ _ p _ _ _ _)
To take place
to move as fast as possible in a competetion
(clue: r _ _ _)
To race
A strong, hard hat that covers and protects your hear while doing some sport
(clue: h _ _ _ _ _)
A cupboard where you keep your possessions while you are doing something else
(clue: l _ _ _ _ _)
To throw several objects up into the air and catch and throw them repeatedly
(clue: j _ _ _ _ _)
To treat something as important or worthy, to pay attention to something
(clue: t _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
To take something seriously
To win or to get a point in a sport, game or competetion
(clue: s _ _ _ _)
To score
Special glasses used when doing some sports to protect your eyes
(clue: g _ _ _ _ _ _)
A room where people change their clothes, for example before and after sports
(clue: c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _)
Changing room
Adjective that describes something that we fill with air in order to make it float
(clue: i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
to hit something, causing it to fall
(clue: k _ _ _ _ d _ _ _)
To knock down
To defeat or do better than someone
(clue: b _ _ _)
To beat
A piece of clothing designed to keep you warm when swimming
(clue: w _ _ _ _ _ _)
A circular path prepared for training or running a race
(clue: t _ _ _ _)
When you are someone's back or on the back of something
(clue: p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)