Context Clues
Using Dictionary Entries
Using Dictionary Entries 2
Matching the Definition
Matching the Sentence

However, the outside world is closing in. Threats to indigenous land are real. The Brazilian jungle near Peru contains an increasing number of illegal loggers and gold miners. Both activities degrade the quality of the rainforest by draining natural resources, polluting ecosystems, and driving out wildlife. This leaves uncontacted groups with less and less land to live off of. 

What does degrade mean?

a. to make worse

b. to measure carefully 

c. to improve

a. to make worse


Look at this sentence:

After the brief recession, stocks were finally starting to rebound.

Select the definition of rebound that the sentence uses.

rebound \ri-bound\ verb rebounding, rebounded 

1. to bounce off of something after impact: The hockey puck rebounded off the side board and back into play.

2. to increase or improve after a decline: Mr. Montgomery's health has rebounded from his week-long illness. 

3. (basketball) to catch the ball after a missed shot:Diane rebounded the ball and was able to score.

2. to increase or improve after a decline


Look at this sentence:

Kwan enjoys channeling his creativity into cooking, baking, and other food-related activities.

Select the definition of channel that the sentence uses.

channel \chan-l\ verb channeling, channeled 

1. to express thoughts, feelings, or ideas through a particular action or behavior: Steven channeled his anger and frustration into a grueling workout at the gym. 

2. to send to someone or something: Corporations channel millions of dollars into political campaigns each year. 

3. to carry or move through a tube or passage: These ditches channel wateraway from the city streets.

1. to express thoughts, feelings, or ideas through a particular action or behavior


Which piece of text uses this meaning of produce?

produce verb to make or create

a. It takes tens of thousands of cows to produce all the milk necessary for the company to manufacture its premium ice cream and frozen yogurt.

b. Buying fresh, locally grown produce is beneficial for the environment, your local economy, and your health.

a. It takes tens of thousands of cows to produce all the milk necessary for the company to manufacture its premium ice cream and frozen yogurt.


What does refrain mean here?

When seals flocked to Oregon beaches, biologists asked residents and tourists to refrain from interfering with the newborn pups, whose mothers routinely leave their pups onshore while they hunt for food in the water.

a. refrain verb to keep yourself from doing a desired action

b. refrain noun a recurring verse in a song or poem

a. refrain verb to keep yourself from doing a desired action


While the Tehuelche may have been a naturally taller group than the Europeans, Pigafetta's estimation of their height was a great exaggeration. The expedition crew could have stumbled upon extremely large footprints on Patagonian beaches, but that was because the Tehuelche wrapped their feet in fur to insulate them from the cold. Still, a myth developed that Patagonia was a land of giants. 

What does insulate mean?

a. to disguise something or someone from view

b. to prevent contact with something harmful or unwanted

c. to make something appear larger than it truly is

b. to prevent contact with something harmful or unwanted


Look at this sentence:

The hosts provided liberal amounts of food and drink, and all the guests were stuffed by the end of the night.

Select the definition of liberal that the sentence uses.

liberal \lib-er-uhl\ adjective more liberal, most liberal 

1. given or provided in a generous way: This restaurant is known for serving liberal portions. 

2. favoring a particular political view, typically contrasted with conservatism: Martha tends to votefor the most liberal candidates. 

3. not literal or taking the exact words; loose

1. given or provided in a generous way


Look at this sentence:

Traffic in downtown Belmont was congested while a television crew was shooting the pilot for a new series.

Select the definition of pilot that the sentence uses.

pilot \pahy-luht\ noun pl pilots 

1. a person who controls an aircraft or ship: The pilot skillfully landed the plane on the runway. 

2. an initial or experimental project or trial: The pilot program demonstrated that more thorough training is needed.

3. a tool or tool part that acts as a guide: The carpenter always uses a pilot to help drive the screw into the wood. 

2. an initial or experimental project or trial: The pilot program demonstrated that more thorough training is needed.


Which piece of text uses this meaning of novel?

novel noun a long fictional piece of writing

a. Mrs. Clayton had a novel idea for party decorations: she blew up transparent balloons with colored confetti inside.

b. Don Quixote, the seventeenth-century Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, tells the story of the chivalrous yet delusional Alonso Quixano.

b. Don Quixote, the seventeenth-century Spanish novel by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, tells the story of the chivalrous yet delusional Alonso Quixano.


What does prune mean here?

Every year, the city of Bluepoint must prune trees along its streets to keep branches clear from power lines.

a. prune noun a dried plum

b. prune verb to trim

b. prune verb to trim


Other critics note that mindfulness meditation is derived from Buddhist religious traditions. Since it's a violation of the First Amendment for schools to promote religious practices, they argue, teaching meditation should be forbidden in public schools. Mindfulness supporters think otherwise. They insist that the training is a secular, inexpensive, and effective way to improve school performance, as well as quality of life for stressed students. 

What does violation mean?

a. the act of breaking a law or rule

b. the final stage of something

c. the result of a long campaign 

a. the act of breaking a law or rule


Look at this sentence:

Gender bias is the central claim in many lawsuits about unequal treatment of men and women in the workplace.

Select the definition of bias that the sentence uses.

bias \bahy-uhs\ noun pl biases 

1. a prejudice or preference that influences judgment: The coach showed a bias for his star quarterback.

 2. a diagonal lineacross fabric: The pattern says to cut the fabric on the bias. 

3. (sports) a weightor irregularity that causes a ball to curve: That red bowling ball seems to have abias toward the left. 

1. a prejudice or preference that influences judgment


Look at this sentence:

Studying the map, Ava traced her finger along the contour of the border between the United States and Mexico.

Select the definition of contour that the sentence uses.

contour \kon-toor\ noun pl contours 

1. an outline or shape of something: Mrs.Hammond loves the elegant contour of the new living room sofa.

2. the general structure of something: Many of Bach's compositions follow a complex contour. 

3. a rising or falling tone used in speech: The contours of his voice indicated that he was excited about the trip.

1. an outline or shape of something


Which piece of text uses this meaning of defect?

defect verb to leave your country, party, or organization

a. Supporters of the ousted president plan to defect from the ruling government and form a new opposition group.

b. The Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration enforces safety standards for motor vehicles and requires manufacturers to recall any vehicle models that exhibit a safety defect.

a. Supporters of the ousted president plan to defect from the ruling government and form a new opposition group.


What does monitor mean here?

Preparing a budget can be an effective way to monitor your finances, track your expenses, and help you save money.

a. monitor verb to watch carefully

b. monitor noun a computer's display or screen

a. monitor verb to watch carefully


Of course, Executive Order 6102 created controversy. Several people argued in court that it was against the U.S. Constitution for the government to take people's personal property. The order also drew criticism for how it was enforced. Citizens were required to turn in their gold to the government by May 1, 1933; after the deadline passed, the United States raised gold's value from $20.67 to $35.00 per ounce. 

What does controversy mean?

a. conflicting strong opinions about an issue

b. an error in reporting on a news story

c. laws to prevent something

a. conflicting strong opinions about an issue


Look at this sentence:

Toby was treated for minor injuries and then discharged from the clinic on Saturday.

Select the definition of discharge that the sentence uses.

discharge \dis-chahrj\ verb discharging, discharged 

1. to release someone from employment or service: Ms. McConnell was discharged from her job at the postoffice.

2. to fire or shoot: At the ceremony, the soldiers discharged their rifles intothe sky. 

3. to allow someone to leave a hospital: The doctors are planning to discharge Farah on Thursday.

3. to allow someone to leave a hospital


Look at this sentence:

Traveling abroad is a great way to sample exotic foods that are unavailable in the United States.

Select the definition of exotic that the sentence uses.

exotic \ig-zot-ik\ adjective more exotic, most exotic 

1. not native; foreign in origin: My favorite Thai restaurant has a display of exotic plants in the outdoor dining area. 

2. new or experimental in nature: The artist combines various techniques to create his exotic style. 

3. strange or unusual: Megan had never seen such exotic clothing before.

1. not native; foreign in origin


Which piece of text uses this meaning of credit?

credit verb to recognize as the source or possessor of something

a. I consider myself a self-reliant person who has been able to persevere through many difficult situations. I credit my mother for these beneficial traits.

b. Because Mr. Wilkinson overpaid his electricity bill last time, he has a credit of sixty-three dollars.

a. I consider myself a self-reliant person who has been able to persevere through many difficult situations. I credit my mother for these beneficial traits.


What does compact mean here?

Japan's compact capsule hotels consist of many "rooms" that are each about six feet long, three feet wide, and four feet high.

a. compact noun a formal agreement between two or more parties

b. compact adjective packed closely together

b. compact adjective packed closely together


Former members of uncontacted groups have said that after friends and family were attacked or killed by outsiders, they avoided any kind of contact. Even peaceful contact can have devastating effects. Many uncontacted groups have never been exposed to diseases, not even the common cold or the flu. As a result, they often don't have immunity to these diseases, meaning that even minor contact with outsiders has resulted in deadly outbreaks. 

What does devastating mean?

a. helpful or useful

b. highly destructive or distressing

c. tending to cause war or violence

b. highly destructive or distressing


Look at this sentence:

In many veggie burger recipes, egg acts as a binder for the other ingredients.

Select the definition of binder that the sentence uses.

binder \bahyn-der\ noun pl binders 

1. a cover or folder for holding sheets of paper: I keep all of our household receipts in a large binder. 

2. a substance that holds things together: Cement is used as a binder to make concrete.

3. (law) a temporary contract that is used until the finalized contract takes effect: The Jordans made a deposit on the new house and signed a binder contract.

2. a substance that holds things together: Cement is used as a binder to make concrete.


Look at this sentence:

Car manufacturers have been investing in new energy technology in hopes that consumers will be willing to pay a premium for more fuel-efficient vehicles.

Select the definition of premium that the sentence uses.

premium \pree-mee-uhm\ noun pl premiums 

1. the amount of money paid for insurance coverage: The Marshalls received a notice saying that their health insurance premiums were going up. 

2. a higher or unusual cost of something: Supermarkets often put a premium on organically grown foods. 

3. a superior value:Kirk puts a premium on honesty in his relationships.

2. a higher or unusual cost of something


Which piece of text uses this meaning of custom?

custom noun a practice that is traditional for a particular group

a. Built in 1986, the 1950s Revival Leadsled was a custom car built with a variety of modifications to look like a classic American car.

b. Throughout much of the Middle East and India, people often eat with their hands, rather than with utensils. The custom is to use only the right hand for eating.

b. Throughout much of the Middle East and India, people often eat with their hands, rather than with utensils. The custom is to use only the right hand for eating.


What does value mean here?

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent own a jewelry store. In addition to selling and repairing items, they also value pieces for customers.

a. value verb to assess at a certain price or worth

b. value noun a moral principle or standard

a. value verb to assess at a certain price or worth