Career Exploration
The Future
FOR THE GROUP: What is the degree called that typically takes 4 years to obtain?
A Bachelor's Degree
Define Entrepreneur
A person who starts his or her own business.
Why does the vocabulary term "job shadowing" have the name that it does? The definition should be part of your answer.
Job shadowing is when you follow somebody around at work to see what their job is like. Since shadows follow you where ever you go, the word makes sense.
Your future depends on your transferable skills. What kinds of transferable skills have been taught to you in English class? What makes them transferable?
Examples: reading, writing, written communication, vocabulary; They are transferable because they are valuable in every career setting.
FOR THE GROUP: What are goods? What is the difference between them and services?
Tangible items that can be bought, traded, or sold. Services can't be touched--they're things that are performed or done for pay, like cutting someone's hair or mowing a lawn or designing a dress.
How many years does it take to complete a master's degree after graduating high school? Where can you get one?
6-8 Years; University or College
Explain 3 differences between jobs and careers.
1. Careers require more education and training that a job 2. Jobs are meant to be temporary, and careers are long term 3. Careers take extensive planning; jobs can be easy to transfer from one to the next
FOR THE GROUP! How is your time spent when you are involved in Cooperative Education?
You spend half of your time learning in a classroom, and half of your time working and doing things hands-on.
What is networking, and how does it help you be more successful?
Networking is creating relationships with people in a certain career field by meeting new people and making connections. It can help you find a job, or create more work for your company.
ALL GROUPS!!!! Joe was hungry. He had $850 dollars in pennies in his piggy bank. He took it to Chipotle and bought $900 worth of burritos and tacos, so he borrowed $50 from his 2 year old sister. What is the vocabulary word that describes his situation?
He is in debt!
How many years does it take to obtain an associate's degree after you graduate high school?
2 Years
Explain the main difference between full-time and part-time work (hint: I'm looking for a #)
Full-time work is generally 40 hrs/week or more; part-time work is less than that
How is an internship different from a regular career?
It is temporary. Internships are for a set period of time, while careers are meant to last until somebody retires/quits/gets fired.
What vocabulary word can be used to describe the money you receive in a paycheck every week?
What time period separates a long-term goal from a short-term goal (in this class)?
12 months (or 1 Year)
In what type of school can you earn an Associate's Degree?
A Community College
What are qualifications?
Achievements or accomplishments a person has that makes them suitable to perform a job (ex: teachers need the qualification of having a teaching license)
Compare and contrast "Service Learning" with community service.
They are both similar because it is unpaid volunteer work that can help the community. However, service learning has the purpose of learning about a specific career while performing the service. Community service is just meant to help people, and is not career-related.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! What affects the cost of living in an area? WHY?
Cost of living is affected by property values, the prices of homes, the amount of jobs available, and the income of the people who live there. The more money people use, the more people will be charged.
What is a skill, and what makes it a skill?
A skill is something one can do especially well; skills can always be practiced and improved.
FOR THE GROUP: Where would you be able to get a Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) & what degree is required first?
1. College or University 2. Master's (sometimes bachelor's)
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Explain how somebody with a good career can mentor somebody.
Mentoring is when an expert professional helps somebody young/inexperienced learn about a career. They help them make decisions, keep them on track, and set goals.
When does somebody usually perform an apprenticeship, and what types of careers usually require one?
After completing their formal training or education in that trade. Manual trades usually require one (like blacksmiths, masons, architects, etc)
What types of special skills would you need to be a Fire Fighter? Why are the special?
They are special because only one career field can use them; possible examples: putting out fire, evacuating people, etc.
Name all 4 of the degrees we've covered in class in order from shortest to longest amount of time they take to earn.
Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral :)