Verbs (actions)
Nouns (person, place, thing)

The council members will debate the benefits and costs of a new park before they vote on it. 

What does the word debate mean? Can you think of a synonym?

Debate means to argue or discuss


I am on one of the committees to plan our class trip. 

What does the word "committee" mean?

A committee is a group that plans events, fix a problem, or perform a specific duty


To try to resolve the argument about who should use the blue swing at recess, Ms. Blaho suggested that Maddie and Amy should take turns. 

What does the word resolve mean?

To find a solution to a problem


Ms. Blake attends a convention of music teachers every year. 

What does the word "convention" mean?

A meeting of people for a common purpose


The mayor shared a proposal to build a new community center. 

What does the word "proposal" mean? Can you think of a synonym?

A proposal is a plan


Our government representatives help make laws to benefit our country. 

What does the word "representatives" mean?

A person who acts for others


The icy roads caused a dangerous driving situation. 

What kind of weather can cause serious situations?

Heavy snow, hurricanes, tornados