When Jason forgot to do his homework, he tried to come up with a ______ reason his teacher would believe.
What is plausible?
Which is correct?
A. plausible- unbelievable, unlikely, doubtful
B. inaudible- capable of being heard
C. apparition - an explained or ghostly figure
What is apparition
Which vocabulary word is illustrated?
A. assert C. disdain
B. pulverize D. cower
What is cower?
The part to speech for the word pulverize
What is a verb
to crouch or shrink away from in fear or shame
What is a definition of cower?
What is proximity?
Which is correct?
A. proximity- distance, farness, remoteness
B. plebeian - member of the higher class
C. jurisdiction- the right to administer justice/rules
What is jurisdiction?
Which vocabulary word is illustrated?
A. inaudible B. epitaph c. plebeian d. sequel
What is epitaph?
The part of speech for the word plebeian
What is an adjective
Filled with amazement, disgust, fear, or terror.
What is a definition of aghast?
The school principal has _______ over the hallways, meaning he can enforce rules and make decisions about what happens there.
What is jurisdiction ?
Which is correct?
A. facetious- not meant seriously, humorous ; verb
B. assert- to put forward forcefully; verb
C. pulverize - to ground or pound to dust, destroy; adjective
What is choice B - Assert
What vocabulary word is illustrated?
A. ample B. aghast c. apparition d. assert
what is aghast?
The part of speech for the word assert
What is a verb
More than enough, large, spacious.
What is a definition of ample?
The mysterious valentine gift left on her desk _____ her, making her wonder who could have sent it.
What is intrigued?
Which is correct?
A. volatile
B. indiscriminate
C. intrigue
D. disdain
What is
What word is being illustrated?
A. proximity B. prodigal C. volatile D. cower
What is volatile?
The part of speech for the word proximity
What is a noun
humorous, not meant seriously
What is the definition of facetious ?
The careless driver threw trash out the window _____, not caring where it landed or the impact littering has on the environment.
What is indiscriminately ?
Which is correct?
A. sequel
B. ethical
C. aghast
What is
What word is being illustrated?
A. inaudible B. disdain C. pulverize D. intrigue
What is inaudible ?
the part of speech for the word volatile
What is an adjective
To declare or state as truth, maintain or defend, put forward forcefully.
What is a definition of assert?