Context Clues
Synonyms/ Antonyms
What's the word?
Sleuth work
Life is like a box of chocolates, ya never know what you're gonna get

"These diving mammals eat many different underwater animals, including sea urchins. Any large urchins that venture into nearshore waters where the sea otters dive are quickly eaten." Given the choices a) swim lazily b)float noisily c)enter with risk and d)continue with energy, this is what the word venture means from the excerpt.

What is c)enter with risk?


Which sentence uses the antonym of courageous? A) I was highly indignant when they refused to let me join the club. B) It was remarkable how Gavin would plead for his dog’s release. C) Olivia wanted to try out for the play, but she was too lazy. D) Richie is a faint hearted fellow who doesn’t like to get into quarrels.

What is D) Richie is a faint hearted fellow who doesn’t like to get into quarrels.


David _______________ quickly through the forest, looking for various plants and animals. A) walk B) are going to walk C) is walking D) had walked

What is C) is walking


The light was (suspended) from the ceiling by a thin wire. What word/phrase gives a clue to what the word suspended means?

What is "from the ceiling by a thin wire"


If I had practiced more, I (will make, would have made) the gymnastics team.

What is would have made?


"A kelp forest slows ocean currents and makes waves smaller, creating pockets of calm water. Shrimp-like animals flourish in this quiet water and feast on dead kelp." If given the choices a)grow well, b)seek warmth, c)become quiet, and d)avoid enemies, this is what the word flourish means in the excerpt above.

What is a)grow well?


Which sentence shows the correct meaning of courageous? A) My cousin Melvin is a courageous member of the Future Farmers of America. B) Alicia and Nori went on a courageous camping trip at the state park. C) Melinda was truly courageous to return the money she found on the seat of the taxi. D) Nathan was a courageous firefighter who rescued five children from a burning building.

What is D) Nathan was a courageous firefighter who rescued fie children from a burning building.


David and his friends ______ for almost 3 miles before they realized they were lost. A) are going to walk B) would have walked C) is walking D) had walked

What is D) had walked


We planted trees along the southern boundary of the farm; similarly, our neighbor piled rocks along the edge of her property. What are at least 2 words/phrases that give a clue to what the word boundary means?

What is: along, southern, and along the edge of her property


By the end of next month, Joe (did read, will have read) 20 books from his list.

What is will have read?


Things were worse in the evening after the sun had gone down. That's when the insects appeared in DROVES. In this context, DROVES means which one of the following: A) movements B) struggles C) huge numbers D) mounds or stacks

What is C) huge numbers?


Bumble bees are essential to food production. Bumble bees and other insects are necessary to pollinate plants so they can produce fruit such as tomatoes or berries. Most bumble bees, which are usually larger and have more hair than honeybees, live for a year. The queen bees, however, spend winter in a nest. In the spring, queens emerge and begin feeding. They find a new nest site and lay eggs for a new generation. About four days later, the eggs hatch. The larvae eat a mixture of pollen and nectar for about two weeks. Then they spin cocoons and develop as pupae for another two weeks. At the end this stage, they emerge as adult bumble bees. Which word in the paragraph is a synonym of essential? A) Emerge B) Pollinate C) Necessary D) Generation

What is C) Necessary


This virus has really sapped my energy. I get tired just walking across the room. I hope to get better soon because I need to return to work. What does sap probably mean? A) give, increase B) make slow C) take away, drain D) enhance

What is c) take away, drain


What is the meaning of the word confinement as it is used in the paragraph below? I know that sometimes the confinement of the mill became very wearisome to me. In the sweet June weather I would lean far out of the window and try not to hear the unceasing clash of sound inside. A) constant work B) gossip or chatter C) state of being kept inside D) having little to do

What is C) state of being kept inside


This is the name of the Woody's horse in the Toy Story movies.

What is Bullseye?


"You'll find activities, lodging, and dining to fit every budget and to satisfy every taste." Of the sentences listed, this one uses the word TASTE in the same way as the sentence above. A. Oko doesn't care for the TASTE of fish. B. I have always admired Maria's TASTE in clothing. C. The nose is responsible for the sense of TASTE. D. Carl's story gave us a small TASTE of his experiences.

What is B; I have always admired Maria's TASTE in clothing.


Something was buried on Oak Island in Nova Scotia. No one knows who buried it or what it is, but many people have attempted to find it. Since the early 1800's, group after group has dug deep-and been stopped by various IMPEDIMENTS such as wooden platforms and flooding. What is the OPPOSITE of impediments? a) decorations b) assistance c) obstacles

What is b) assistance


Now they ______ to a stream and fill up their water bottles with fresh water. A) walk B) is walking C) had walked D) would have walked

What is A) walk


Which phrase from this paragraph helps you understand the meaning of confinement. I know that sometimes the confinement of the mill became very wearisome to me. In the sweet June weather I would lean far out of the window and try not to hear the unceasing clash of sound inside. A) know that sometimes B) very wearisome to me C) lean far out of the window D) the unceasing clash of sound

What is C) lean far out of the window


Dad looked at the picture on the front of the seed package. "I don't like zucchini much," he said. Mom got a DETERMINED look in her eyes. We bought the zucchini seeds. Of the following sentences, this is the one that uses the word DETERMINED the same way as the sentence above. a) The short straw determined the winner. b) The map determined the correct route to follow. c) The determined runner crawled across the finish line. d) He determined the amount of money needed for the game.

What is c) The determined runner crawled across the finish line.


"They tried other sites, but the with the same results. It seemed they were at a DEAD END." In this excerpt, DEAD END means which of the following: A. an unfamiliar place B. a passage that is impossible to cross C. a situation in which no further progress can be made D. a street or path beyond which nothing can proceed

What is C; a situation in which no further progress can be made


The town of Beaumont put up a statue to honor its founder, Elias J. Whimblerun. Hundreds of people gathered in the town square to watch the mayor UNVEIL the statue. He snapped off the sheet covering it and everyone applauded--even people who'd not heard of Elias J. Whimblerun. What is the OPPOSITE meaning of the word unveil? a) polish b) reveal c) cover up

What is c) cover up?


Hurricanes and tornadoes are treacherous. Only a very foolish person would go out during that kind of weather. What does treacherous probably mean? A) exciting B) dangerous C) delirious D) safe

What is b) dangerous?


Most satellites are launched into space on rockets. Which best describes the meaning of launched? A) sent B) orbited C) powered D) watched

What is A) sent


By the end of the day, the boys (would have collected, had collected) a bucket of seashells.

What is had collected?