signet shaped cartilage that supports the larynx
what is the cricoid cartilage
The two groups of laryngeal muscles
What are the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles?
The wandering nerve
What is Vagus?
a primary muscle of respiration
what is the diaphragm?
A leaf-shaped structure that protects the airway
What is the epiglottis?
U shaped structure that connects to the tongue
What is the hyoid bone?
This muscle opens the vocal folds
What is the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle?
It provides motor function to the subglottis
What is the Recurrent laryngeal nerve
The muscles that depress the ribs in expiration
What are the internal intercostal mucsles?
These hold the laryngeal cartilages together and allow for a greater range of movement
What are membranes and ligaments?
The most prominent cartilage of the larynx
What is the thyroid cartilage?
The muscle that lengthens and tenses the vocal folds
What is the cricothyroid?
It supplies sensory and motor function to the cricothyroid muscle
What is the Superior laryngeal nerve?
These muscle are primary in inspiration
What are the external intercostals
An elastic band of connective tissue located in the vocal folds
What is the vocal ligament
The posterior attachments for the vocal folds
What are the arytenoid cartilages?
The muscle groups that elevate and depress the larynx within the vocal tract
What are the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles?
These nerves comprise the phrenic nerve
What is C3, C4, C5?
A large, thin sheet of tissue that wraps around the outside of your lungs and lines the inside of your chest cavity.
What is the Pleura?
The supraglottal space
What is the ventricle?
Two paired cartilages that have no function in voice production
What are the corniculate and cuneiform cartilages
the suprahyoid muscle that elevates the hyoid bone, raises the floor of the mouth for swallowing, and depresses the mandible.
What is the Geniohyoid muscle?
This nerve innervates the majority of the muscles associated with the pharynx and larynx.
What is CN X?
This occurs when air leaks into the space between your lung and chest wall causing it to collapse
What is a Pneumothorax?
This supplies blood to the pharynx, larynx, upper esophagus, and inferior portion of the corresponding lobes of the thyroid gland
What is the inferior thyroid artery (including the carotid artery)?