Singing and talking happens when the vocal folds:
The muscles in the Larynx are responsible for what?
Changing Pitch
The position that your vocal cords are in when you breathe
What is open?
What is water/tea?
What is the primary function of the Larynx?
Singing and talking
The Larynx (And the Vocal Folds inside it) sit on top of what?
the position that your vocal cords are in when you speak or sing
What is closed?
You should do this to start up your voice
What is warm ups/vocal exercises?
the house where your voice lives; another word for voice box
What is Larynx?
What bone is the only bone in the Larynx?
Hyoid Bone
What acts like a lid to keep food out of the lungs, and guide the food over the Larynx and into the Esophagus?
When your voice is strained or tired, you should do this
What is take vocal naps/vocal rest?
an important muscle that plays an important role in breath support
What is diaphragm?
this closes over our vocal cords when we swallow
What is epiglottis?
What is the primary function of the Vocal Folds?
Protect the lungs
You should avoid these types of foods before singing
What is dairy products and spicy foods?
What part of the Larynx can vibrate hundreds of times per second?
Vocal Folds.
Which Cartilage can tilt forward and back to change the length of the vocal folds?
Which cartilages open and close the vocal folds?
What is arytenoid Cartilages
As a singer, you should avoid inhaling this type of pollutant that can cause cancer and other health issues
What is smoking/vaping?