What is one thing it takes to succeed at work?
Doing your best, learning from mistakes, showing respect to others
What is opposite of dark?
Who delivers letters and packages to your home?
Mail carrier or Amazon
Should a resume be typed or handwritten?
What color pen should you use to fill out an application?
Black or Blue
True or False
To be successful at work, you should be punctual
What is opposite of sad?
Who fills pescriptions for prescription medication at a drug store?
A pharmicist
If you want someone to be a reference, what should you do?
You should ask the person if they would be a reference for you
What is the color of a firetruck?
What is a word for trying to achieve or accomplish something ? ( This will help you succeed)
Set a Goal
What is opposite of quiet?
Loud or noisy
Who takes care of young children while their parents are at work?
A day care worker
Should you be drinking coffee and eating your breakfast during an interview?
Eat and drink before or after the interview
What is the color of a school bus?
What will a boss think of an employee who accomplishes goals at work?
They are happy to have employees who accomplish goals
What is opposite of full?
Who takes care of children while they are at camp during the summer?
A camp counselor
Can you bring a friend with you to the interview?
No friends or relatives.
If you have a job coach they may be able to attend
What does the color green mean on a traffic signal?
Greens means go
What can succeeding at work lead to?
Job satisfaction, promotions at work, raises in pay
What is opposite of young?
Who fixes a car ?
A mechanic
What should you say to the person who interviews you at the end of the interview?
Say thank you to the person for taking the time to meet with you.
What color is a flamingo?