Counselor Policy Manual
Prior Approvals

Intensive job skills training at the worksite and/or facilitating natural/employer supports at the worksite.

What is Job Coaching?


The chapter where supported employment information can be found.

What is chapter 17?


The purpose of this program is to expand the employment opportunities for most individuals receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and reduce their dependency on SSA benefits.

What is Ticket to Work?


Services to Division of Vocational Rehabilitation staff and family members require this level of approval.

What is Area Level prior approval?


The full name for WIOA.

What is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?


Ongoing support services by non-VR funded resources.

What is Phase II of Supported Employment?


This chapter discussed requests for area and state level prior approvals.

What is chapter 15?


This program was renamed to provide SSI/SSDI recipients with information on various benefits and work incentives to empower them to make informed choices about employment.

What is Work Incentive, Planning, and Assistance (WIPA) Program?


Policy exceptions require this level of approval.

What is State Level prior approval?


This program provides assistance to adults, (age 18 or older) who are in need of workforce services, training or retraining to secure unsubsidized employment and who have lost their job through no fault of their own. Have received a layoff notice and are unlikely to return to their previous occupation/industry; or were self-employed but are now unemployed.

What is the dislocated worker program?


In Ch. 17 of the Counselor Policy Manual this section talks about competitive integrated employment, including customized employment, with ongoing support services for individuals with the most significant disabilities consistent with their strengths, abilities, interests, and informed choice.

What is Supported Employment?


This chapter discusses mental health disorders.

What is chapter 4?


Title II (SSDI) or Title XVI (SSI), states a successful rehabilitation occurs when an individual performs this many continuous months of SGA.

What is Nine-Month Substantial Gainful Activity?


Training to be provided out of state except in southern Georgia or Alabama when in close proximity to the individual’s home require this level of prior approval.

What is Area Level prior approval?


This program helps low-income youth ages 16-24 earn a high school diploma, GED, certifications, or preparing for postsecondary education while learning construction skills through building affordable housing for the homeless, low-income, or other community buildings such as schools, playgrounds, and community centers. 

What is youth build?


An employment strategy available for use when individuals need a job to be personally negotiated or when a position needs to be created to make employment possible.

What is Customized Job Placement Services?


The seven functional capacities and the chapter where they can be found.

What are mobility, communication, self-care, self-direction, interpersonal skills, work tolerance, and work skills found in chapter 7?


Through an agreement between SSA and DVR, DVR has implemented an automated system, to verify SSA benefit status for all persons applying for and receiving services from DVR.

What is the State Verification and Exchange System Agreement (SVES)?


Individuals requiring a prior approval for expenditures totaling $30,000 or more are categorized as this.

What is Brain and Spinal Cord Injury (BSCI)?


This act established a nationwide system of public employment offices known the Employment Service and made it part of the One-Stop service delivery system.

What is The Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933?


An alternative strategy to determine the strengths, needs and interests of individuals with the most significant disabilities.

What is Discovery?


This chapter discusses the purpose and mission of VR.

What is chapter 1?



These cases allow certain beneficiaries to continue receiving benefits even after the disability has ceased, and do not require nine months of SGA employment for reimbursement.

What are "Section 301" Individuals?


Treatment to be provided out of state except in Southern Georgia or Alabama when in close proximity to the individual’s home require this level of approval.

What is State Level Prior Approval?



These are the eight programs under the WIOA Act.

What are adult career source, adult education, dislocated worker, job corps, vocational rehabilitation, Wagner-Peyser employment services, youth, and youth build.