Hired or Fired
The Job Application
The Job Interview

Taking pens, post-it notes, staplers, etc. home with you.

What is fired (stealing)


Yes or no: Coworker means "other people you work with."

What is yes 


Is it OK to use a pencil on a job application?

What is no


For a job interview, you should look like you normally do (jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt)

What is no/false


Showing up to work five minutes early and staying until the end of your assigned shift, working hard the entire time. 

What is hired


Yes or no: It is OK to leave your station to help a coworker any time he/she needs help. 

What is no 

True or false: you should use your nick name on a job application.

What is false. You should always write your full name. 

True or false: you should arrive at your job interview one hour early. 

What is false/no. Unless you are asked to be there that early, 5-15 minutes is acceptable. 


Going to the break room when you complete your task.

What is fired


Yes or no: If a coworker is having trouble with personal issues, you should comfort briefly, but not get involved.

What is yes


An acceptable answer to the question "What hours are you available" would be "afternoons, because I like to sleep late."

What is no


The interview is an excellent time for you to ask questions also. 

What is yes/true  


Clocking in 15 minutes early and staying beyond your shift to finish all your work without approval from your boss. 

What is fired 


Yes or no: My coworkers can be my friends outside of work, but on the job, we should keep conversations brief. 

What is yes


True or false: you should only write real volunteer/work experience.

What is true 


True or false: It is OK to chew gum in an interview if the gum keeps your breath minty fresh and helps you to not be nervous. 

What is false


Continually helping your co-workers with their job.

What is fired 


If I have a problem with a coworker and the problem relates to work, who is the FIRST person I should talk to about the problem?

What is your coworker you have a problem with. This gives him/her a chance to work with you toward solving the problem. 


True of false, if you make two small mistakes on a job application, it is okay to neatly white-out the mistakes. 

What is true if they are very small mistakes and not more than two. 


State two things you should know about job interview clothing (for example... clothing should be clean at an interview)

What is ironed, not revealing, no distracting patterns, no inappropriate words.