This person handles the money and works the register at a store.
What is a cashier?
In order to apply for a job, you need to fill out one of these.
an application
Write one of these to pay a bill or buy something from the store.
What is a check?
To stay hydrated, drink this.
What is water?
What is the capital of the United States?
Washington DC
People with this job help build houses by putting the wooden parts together.
What is a carpenter?
You go and meet with someone and tell them why you would be great at the job.
an interview
What does PIN stand for at the ATM?
Personal Identification Number
Juice and soda can make you gain weight because they contain too much of this.
What is sugar?
We live in this state.
In a restaurant, it's who makes your food.
What is a cook?
These 2 letters stand for Not Applicable
When you put more money in your bank account. You're making a "________".
Butter and oils are two kinds of this. Don't eat too much.
What is fat?
This is the name of the town our school is in..
This person washes the dishes at a restaurant.
What is a dishwasher?
These 3 letters mean the day you were born, or your birthday including the year.
How much money you have in your account.
What is the balance?
These are essential nutrients you should get from your foods - but you can also get them from Flintstones and gummy bears.
What are vitamins?
The name of our principal.
Mrs. Burke
This is the person who cleans your teeth.
What is a dentist?
This section of an application is where you write the names of people you would call in an an emergency.
Emergency Contact
How much money you have to spend each month.
This nutrient makes up your muscles, and you get it from meat, dairy, eggs, and beans.
What is protein?
Mrs. Guillen
Mr. Boyd
Ms. Saxton
Ms. Starkey
Ms. Bentley
Dr. Boyd