Do's and Don'ts
The Job Interview
The Job Application

If I have a problem with a coworker and the problem relates to work, who is the FIRST person I should talk to about the problem?

Speak to the coworker you have a problem with. This gives him/her a chance to work with you toward solving the problem.


True or False: When asked what your expected pay is, you should answer minimum wage. 

False; because you might be low-balling the employer. Instead answer "negotiable".


What should you wear to a job interview? Be specific. 

Professional attire; dress pants and shoes, modest top. Do not wear the job uniform. 


True or False: It is OK to complete a job application with a pencil. 

False; it is more professional to complete it in a black or blue pen.


If I'm seeking part-time employment/work, how many hours a week should I expect to work? 

Between 10 and 20.


When you offer to help a coworker with their tasks or workload, you are demonstrating this important workplace behavior.

What is teamwork or collaboration?


Clocking in 15 minutes early and staying beyond your shift to finish your workload is only acceptable when _______.

When you have been approved to do so by your upper management. 

When should you arrive for an interview scheduled for 10:00am? 

9:45am at the earliest. 


If a question on a job application does not apply to you, what should you put? 



If you want to quit your current job, how much notice should you give?

2 weeks. 


What would you do if/when a co-worker began to share a personal issue with you while on the clock and makes you uncomfortable?

Sympathize briefly, then state that you'd like to just focus on the work. 

If continues, you can speak with a supervisor and aid should be provided to help navigate next steps.  


What is the most appropriate action for you to take once you have completed your assigned work tasks before your shift is over?

Seek out your supervisor to give you direction. 


Describe the body language you should have during an interview. 

Hand shake, hands in your lap, feet planted on the ground, sit up straight, lean slightly forward, and look your interviewer in the eye. Smile and engage with each interviewer and nod slightly as he or she speaks. 


When asked "what hours are you available to work", how should you answer it? 

Open availability, if possible. 


How should you explain the gaps in your resume to an employer/interviewer? 

Be honest, but consider what would sound best to the interviewer and get you the job. 


You witnessed a co-worker making an ethically incorrect choice? i.e. taking company products home. 

What are they damaging by doing this?                      a - honesty                                                               b- confidentiality                                                     c- accountability                                                      d- integrity

D - integrity


It is necessary to disclose barriers toward your employment with you supervisor? For example, health condition or mental health diagnosis.  

Personal preference. There are times this is important and appropriate, there are others that it is not.  


Should you have questions prepared to ask the interviewer? If so, give examples. 

Yes, asking questions indicates your interest in the company. Come prepared with questions based on your research of the company.  


True or False: If you make a few small mistakes on a job application, it is OK to neatly white-out the mistakes.

True; if they are very small mistakes and not more than two.


True or False: A casual jacket, pressed clean white shirt, denim pants and all white sneakers are considered acceptable for a job interview?

False; avoid wearing casual clothes depending on the job interview. Wearing a dress shirt, tie, dress pants/skirt and clothes toed shoes/heels


You carpool with a co-worker to work, but this morning you are running late and will not be ready on time for pick up. What should you do?

Notify coworker & boss asap and apologize for the tardiness when you next see them in person. 

When is the appropriate time to follow-up with an employer after you have submitted a job application or completed an interview? 

Approximately one week. 


When asked "what is your greatest strength and weakness?" in a job interview, how will you answer? 

Strength: Share your true strengths, not those you think the interviewer wants to hear; preferably that aligns with the job you're interviewing for. Follow up with an example of how you've demonstrated these traits in a job.

Weakness: Choose an answer that you struggle with, but you’re working to improve.

True or False: you should not fill out a job application if you do not meet all the requirements. 



Name 5 things that should be included on your resume.

Contact information, work experience, education, volunteer, etc.