The Larynx during_________ the swallow
A. elevates
B. lowers
A. elevates
What are the two branches of the vagus nerve (Cranial Nerve X) that innervate the larynx?
1. superior laryngeal nerve
2. recurrent laryngeal nerve
The _______is the largest of all cartilages (in the larynx), forms an angle or prominence called the Adams apple, and has two superior horns
thyroid cartilage
List the 4 infrahyoid muscles (extrinsic muscles) of the larynx. TIP: TOSS
1. Mass
2. tension
3. elasticity
Vocal fold closure is necessary for:
A. building adequate air pressure to assist with functions such as coughing, child bearing and heaving lifting
B. protection of the airway from foods, liquids, and other particles
C. Vocal fold vibration
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
which branch of cranial nerve X is responsible for motor innervation to the cricothyroid muscles and may affect the ability to modulate frequency?
1. superior laryngeal nerve
The _______is the second largest cartilage, is unpaired, but linked with the paired arytenoid and thyroid cartilages
suprahyoid muscles (extrinsic muscles) lie above the hyoid bone and function to elevate the larynx. they influence pitch by elevating the larynx, creating a smaller resonating tube.
They also raise the larynx during swallowing. List the 6 suprahyoid laryngeal muscles
1. Digastric (posterior and anterior bodies)
2. mylohyoid
3. stylohyoid
4. geniohyoid
5. Genioglossus
6. Hyoglossus
higher/lower pitch results when the vocal folds are thinner, more tense or both
What is the cover and the body of the larynx according to the cover body theory?
Cover (2/3 of the VF that vibrates) = 1. epithelium, 2. thyroarytenoid muscle, and 3. the superficial, intermediate, deep layers of lamina propria
Body (stationary) remainder of the Thyroarytenoid muscle
The recurrent laryngeal nerves supplies motor innervation to the ________(hint: 4 muscles)
1. cricoarytenoid
2. lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
3. thyroarytenoid
4. interarytenoid
The paired _____ cartilages move medially and rock the cricoarytenoid joint, which adducts the vocal folds
REMINDER: Lateral movement (abducts the vocal folds)
Arytenoid Cartilages
As women grow older their voice becomes (lower or higher) in pitch?
_____ refers to irregularities or cycle to cycle variations in vocal fold vibrations that are often heard in dysphonic patients
A. Shimmer
B. Jitter/frequency perturbation
C. aphonia
d. dysphonia
B. Jitter/frequency perturbation
FUN fact: people with no laryngeal pathology are able to sustain a vowel with less than 1% of jitter
where are the ventricular vocal folds, which protect the true vocal folds and protect the airway during swallowing, located
A. adjacent the true vocal folds
B. above the true vocal folds
C. below the true vocal folds
B. above the true vocal folds
The larynx is suspended from the _______, a U-shaped bone that sits above the thyroid cartilage
hyoid bone
Name the 5 intrinsic laryngeal muscles; specific if they are abductors/adductors
1. thyroarytenoid
2. cricothyroid
3. posterior cricoaryntenoid (ONLY abductor)
4. Lateral cricoarytenoid
5. Interarytenoid (transverse and oblique)
Which is NOT an age related change in the larynx
A. softening of the larynx
B. degeneration and atrophy of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles
C. degeneration of the glands in the laryngeal mucosa
D. decreased flexibility of the cricoarytenoid joint
A. softening of the larynx
the perceptual correlate of intensity is ______ which is determined by the ______of the sound.
A. loudness/amplitude
B. pitch/frequency
C. loudness/frequency
loudness, amplitude
The primary cranial nerve involved in laryngeal innervation is
A. Cranial nerve V
B. Cranial nerve VX
C. Cranial nerve X
D. Cranial nerve IX
C. Cranial nerve X
The ________is a leaf shaped cartilage attached to the hyoid bone and protects the trachea by folding over the false and true vocal folds
(T/F) The infrahyoid muscles lie above the hyoid bone and their primary function is to elevate the larynx. The influence the pitch of voice; (lower frequencies resonate better in a longer tube) pg 279
The infrahyoid muscles lie BELOW the hyoid bone and their primary function is to LOWER the larynx. The influence the pitch of voice; (lower frequencies resonate better in a longer tube) pg 279
(T/F) There are three sets of vocal folds
1. True VF
2. False VF
3. Aryepiglottic folds
______ refers to cycle to cycle variations in the vocal fold amplitue
A. Jitter
B. Amplitude
C. Shimmer
D. amplitude perturbation
E. Both C and D
E. Both C and D