Sports Ball
Roman History
Around the World

This ball has a cork center called a “pill” that is wrapped in two thin rubber layers. The pill weighs exactly ⅞ of an ounces.

What is a Baseball?


These letters represent "The Roman Senate and People"

What is SPQR?


These two countries are the only ones with square flags.

What is Switzerland and Vatican City?


Contrary to popular belief this ball is made of cowhide leather, and when completed it takes the form of a prolate spheroid.

What is a Football?


This Roman senator famously said "I came, I saw, I conquered", or in Latin Veni, Vidi, Vici after defeating Pharnaces II of Pontus at the Battle of Zela , and had a month named after him.

Who is Gaius Julius Caesar?


This country had two overlapping right triangles as their flag.

What is Nepal?


This ball must weigh a maximum of 1.620 ounces and cannot exceed 1.680 inches in diameter, and had 336 dimples. 

What is a Golf Ball?


Cleopatra was killed by this type of Snake in 30 BCE, after Octavian defeater her and Mark Anthony. 

What is an Asp?


This is the third largest country in the world, but only has one timezone.

What is China?


Approximately 325 million of this ball is produced each year. They used to be made of putty, a material with high elasticity resembling clay or dough, and were filled with human hair

What is a Tennis Ball?


This ruler, the first Roman emperor, was originally called Octavian and was the adopted son of Gaius Julius Caesar.

Who is Caesar Augustus?


These two countries are the only countries in the world in which Coca-Cola is not sold.

What is North Korea and Cuba?


This ball has a seam that causes air turbulence, which results in the ball’s deviation through the air called “swing.”

What is a Cricket Ball?


This office held the highest elected political office of the Roman Republic (509 to 27 BC), each year, the Centuriate Assembly elected two consuls to serve jointly for a one-year term.

What is the Consul?


This country is the most visited in the world with 89 million annual tourists.

What is France?