Parts of a Volcano
Volcanic Landforms
The Creation of Volcanoes
What is lava?
Lava is magma that flows out onto Earth's surface.

what three kinds of landforms are created by the eruptions of volcanoes? Name all.

There are 3 types of volcanic landforms: Cindercone, Shield, and Composite (Strato)

What is Magma?
Molten rock beneath the earth's surface.
Where do most volcanoes occur?
Most volcanoes, like most earthquakes, occur along the boundaries between shifting tectonic plates.
What are active volcanoes?
Active volcanoes are the volcanoes that erupt constantly.
What are magma chambers?
Magma chambers are reservoirs from which volcanic materials erupt.
What is a cinder cone volcan?
This type of volcanic landform is made up of small rock particles, or cinders. It is characterized by a small cone with steep sides.

This dark cloudy material emits from volcanoes before and after large eruptions. It floats in the air like a cloud. What is it?

Ash/Ash Cloud


Pyroclastic flow that tumbles down the volcanic sides can move up to how fast?

200 mph

What are dormant volcanoes?
These volcanoes have become inactive, but people are not certain that they will not erupt again.

What is a vent? Where is it located?

Openings through which volcanic materials erupt are called vents. They are located near the peak of the mountain.

What is a shield volcano?
This type of volcano is made up of layers of lava rocks. it's not as steep as cinder cone volcano and is created slowly that's why it has gentle and broad sides.

What is a hot spot?

A region of volcanic activity in the middle of a tectonic plate. Earth's crust at thinnest, large magma chambers are present and can create veins to pass magma through to the surface. 


The tallest volcanoes on Earth are what type?

Shield volcanoes 

What are intermittent volcanoes?
Intermittent volcanoes erupt fairly frequent intervals.

What are craters?

Craters are bowl-shaped depressions. Forceful explosions may blow out the tops of mountains to form craters.

What is a composite volcano?
This type of volcanic landform is made up of layers of lava flows alternating with layers of ash, cinders, and rocks. it is a combination of cinder cone and shield volcanoes.

Anything erupted from volcanic vents/craters is referred to as what?

Pyroclast/Pyroclastic Flow


What prevents magma from gradually and slowly rising to the peak of the mountain?

The rocks above magma press down on the magma and create great pressure. When the pressure is released, volcanic materials suddenly erupt and move out to the surface.

What are Extinct Volcanoes?
Volcanoes that have not erupted in recorded history are considered to be extinct volcanoes.
Define Subduction Zone. Where is it located?
subduction occurs when two plates collide. the denser; heavier, palte slides under the other plate and becomes part of the mantle.

Which type of volcanic landform is the most destructive? 

Composite volcano. Mt. St. Helens is a composite volcano.


What is Ring of Fire and where is it located?

A zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that encircles the Pacific Basin.


How do hot spots form new land? Name a landform created by hot spots.

Hot spots erupt and release magma. As magma comes out it becomes lava and hardens into landforms. Hawaiian islands are created by hot spots.


Chunks of rocks and heavy material blasted out of volcanoes during eruptions are called what?
