Magma traps gases, increasing the pressure
What is vicous?
Vertical structures that cut across existing rock layers.
What are dikes?
What are hydrothermal features and where are the commonly found?
Hydrothermal features are areas where hot water and steam escape from the Earth, commonly found in volcanic regions, such as geysers and hot springs.
What are plutons and how do they form?
Plutons are large bodies of intrusive igneous rick that form when magma cools and solidifies beneath the Earth's surface.
What factors affect the explosivity of a volcano?
The explosivity of a volcano is affected by the composition of the magma (especially silica content), the amount of gas trapped in the magma, and the temperature of the magma.
Describe the difference between a sill and a dike
A sill is a horizontal layer of magma that solidifies between existing new layers.
A dike is a vertical structure that cuts across rock layers.
Explain what the geothermal gradient is and its significance
The geothermal gradient is the rate at which temperature increases with depth in the Earth.
It is significant because it helps to understand how heat is distributed within the Earth and can indicate the presence of geothermal energy resources.