Who is the greatest volleyball player in the world
Kich karly is the best volleyball player in the world
where do you haft to be to serving?
You haft to bee behind the yellow line
what is karouke
karouke is stretch that helps with to stretch our arm amnd leg
who is good in volleyball
who hits the ball in volleyball hardest in serving
who is known as the king of volleyball?
Ivan Vyacheslavovich Zaytsev is known as the king of volleyball
who is bad at serving
what is high knee hug
stand tall, chest open and shoulders back. Lift up one leg to a high knee position and hug your knee into your chest using both arms. Slowly lower that leg and repeat with the other as you continue to travel forward.
who is good at serving
who are students who is better than most of the student in volleyball
umar, zain, even, Ahmad, mohammed
who is the founder of volleyball?
William G. Morgan is the founder of volleyball
who is good at serving
kick your leg in sky and user your opposite your arm to touch your leg or knee
who is the fastest in class
which student carry the whole team when they are losing
Zain, Ahmad
where was volleyball played for the first time?
volleyball was played at YMCA of Massacusetts ,USA for the first time
who can not surf
what is lunges and twist
A lunge twist, also referred to as a lunge with twist, is a lunge exercise in which you twist your midsection to the left or right while in the lunge position, resume the standing position, and repeat, twisting in the opposite direction. Be sure to twist at the hip, not the knee.
who is on time in class
who is the worst player in volleyball in our class?
Aiden, jaihoon and kyle
when was volleyball played for the first time
who cannot spike
what is elbow twist
Hold your affected elbow at your side, bent at about 90 degrees. Make a fist with your palm facing down and bend your wrist down. Keeping your wrist bent, slowly straighten your elbow so your arm is down at your side. Then twist your fist out so your palm is facing out to the side and you feel a stretch.
who comes late in class
who is the best volleyball player in our class?
the best volleyball player in our class is Even, Zain, Ahmad, mohammed, ali