find the volume
volume with base only
volume of composite figures
volume in expressions
How many cubes fit in a prism that measures 3 by 4 by 1?
12 cubes

the amount of space a 3-D object takes up with no overlaps or gaps.

What is Volume

A box has a volume of 36 cubic inches. The length is 6 inches and the width is 3 inches. What is the height?
What is 2 inches
Two rectangular prisms are sitting on top of each other. One has measurements of 5 inches by 4 inches by 6 inches. The other one has measurements of 4 inches x 6 inches x 6 inches. What is the total volume of the prisms?
What is 264 cubic inches

What expression could be used for the rectangular prism with a dimension of length 3, width 2 and height 3?

3 x (2 x 3)

What is the volume of a prism that measures 3 by 6 by 2?
36 cubes

Word for 3D Rectangle

What is a Rectangular Prism

A pencil box has a volume of 100 cubic inches. The length is 10 inches and the width is 2 inches. What is the height?
What is 5 inches
Two rectangular prisms are sitting on top of each other. One has measurements of 8 inches by 4 inches by 3 inches. The other one has measurements of 4 inches x 6 inches x 6 inches. What is the total volume of the prisms?
240 cubic inches
Using the following expression what is the volume of the composite figure in cubic inches? (6 x 3) x 2 + (2 x 3) x 8
118 cubic inches
What is the volume of a rectangular prism with measurements of 3 by 5 by 6?
90 cubes

measurement in length, width and height

What are dimensions

A Christmas package is a big square and has a volume of 1,728 cubic inches. The length is 12 inches and the width is 12 inches. What is the height? What could be inside?
What is 12 inches and it could be: a computer, a tv, or ____
Two rectangular prisms are sitting on top of each other. One has measurements of 30 feet by 12 feet by 6 feet. The other one has measurements of 15 feet x 6 feet x 6 feet. What is the total volume of the prisms?
2700 cubic feet

A rectangular prism has dimensions of 4 inches by 3 inches and we need to find the 3rd dimension. The total volume is 96 cubic inches. What expression could we use?

96 / (4 x 3)

What is the volume of cube made with 6 identical cubes, each cube has 5 inch edges.
750 cubic inches
A solid bounded by 6 equal squares
What is a Cube
A rectangular prism has a volume of 189cubic meters. The height is 3 cubic meters. What are the dimensions of the base?
what is l=7 and w=9

Two cubes are sitting on top of each other. One has measurements of 12 inches on each side. The other one has measurements of 8 inches. What is the total volume of the cubes?

What is 2,240 cubic inches


Mrs. Z wrote the expression (3 x 10) x 4 to represent the volume of a prism, in cubic units. What expression could also be used to determine the volume of the prism?

30 x 4 

or 3 x 40

Each edge of a cube is 15 millimeters long. What is the volume in cubic millimeters?
3,375 cubic millimeters
A cube whose sides are 1 unit long
What is a Unit Cube
A box has a length of of 12 centimeters, a width of 10 centimeters, and a height of 6 centimeters. A second box has a length of 60 centimeters and a width of 2 centimeters. Both boxes have the same volume. What is the height of the second box?
What is 6 centimeters?
Two objects are sitting on top of each other. One is a rectangular prism and has measurements of 15 cm by 14 cm by 16 cm. The other one is a cube and has measurements of 14 cm. What is the total volume of the whole object?
6,104 cubic centimeters

Ms. Kennedy wrote the expression (4 x 4) x 4 to represent the volume of a prism. What other expression could she use?

16 x 4