Our classroom series sponsor
Who is Colgate?
That one that made US History a lot more interesting!
What is Hamilton?
A Monster who longs to be scary!
Who is Leonardo!
Who is Shrek?
Number of students and teachers served by our arts education programs since 2001
What is 600,000?
A sea creature sings, and incorrectly names objects
What is The Little Mermaid?
Physical comedy, juggling, and 30 furry co-stars.
What is Popovich Comedy Pet Theater
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
"That was awesome! Thank you!!"
What are things students say as they leave Walton Arts Center?
A Dad wants his daughters to get married. Disowns his daughters for getting married
What is Fiddler on the Roof?
One-woman, real-life fairytale.
What is Cenicienta: A Bilingual Cinderella Story?
Who are Velma & Roxy
Classroom subjects that can use arts integration to teach students
What are ALL classroom subjects?
What is Phantom of the Opera?
Acrobatics and dance, set to The Rite of Spring.
What is Sacre by Circa?
Fiddler on the Roof
Who is Tevye?
Vital to students' safety and positive experience at Walton Arts Center
Who are Volunteers?
A bachelor feeds a homeless woman chocolates to get her to stay in his house.
What is My Fair Lady?
Written by local playwright and educator
What is Digging Up Arkansas?
West Side Story
Who are Maria, Tony, Riff, Anita?