Dena recently moved and now lives on acreage, what animal is she hoping to add to her family soon
What is another dog and or goat?
2024 most sold adult fiction book
What is Kristin Hannah's, 'The Women'?
Hilary (our children's librarian) has two weekly programs for children, name one of them.
What is Family Storytime or Bounces and Rhymes?
Largest mammal in the world
What is the Blue Whale?
Name one other volunteer that you know volunteers at the library.
Who is ?
E. B. White wrote this children's classic
What is Charlotte's Web?
Two gentlemen work at the library, name one of them
Who is Howard or Craig?
Group of flamingos is known as
What is a flamboyance?
Breed of dog that was Babe's mom in the 1995 movie, 'Babe'.
What is Border Collie?
Author of 'Old Man and the Sea'
Who is Ernest Hemingway?
Monmouth Public Library hosts two book clubs. Name one of them.
What is 3rd Thursday book club led by Dena or Get Lit led by Carrie? (Bonus if you can name one of the books that was read in the past year)
Who is Spongebob Squarepants?
Breed of dog that is the 2025 Westminster dog show winner (Bonus if you know his name)
What is Giant Schnauzer?
Who is Monty?
Greek god of war, and the son of Zeus and Hera
Who is Ares?
Northernmost capital city in the world.
What is Reykjavik, Iceland?