How Voting Works
Two-Party System
Electoral College
Running for Office

What are 2 rights that Americans have?

Freedom of speech, press, vote and assemble


Government should leave economy alone to provide more freedom for US growth

Who is the republican party


What is the importance of third parties in American politics?

They had promoted ideas that were unpopular, but then later gained support


What is the difference between an open and closed primary?

Any registered voter can vote in an open primary, any registered members can vote in a closed primary


How do political parties nominate candidates?

Through primaries which are open and closed


What kind of civic participation can young people do if they are too young to vote?

They can contribute to society through non-profit organizations, education and volunteering


What are 3 types of third parties and why do they form?

Single issue-- to promote a particular cause

Ideological- set of people who form particular beliefs about gov

Splinter- break off lead by independent leader with a strong personality


How do Americas major modern political parties differ today?

Republicans are more conservative, they want smaller govt

Dems are more liberal, they want govt that will help people


What are 3 ways to decide the winner of a primary?

States allow a candidate to win plurality, it is possible to win by a majority or win a run-off election.


What other roles do political parties play?

supporting candadates and carrying messages to them


Why do you think people volunteer?

People feel the need to contribute to society and help others


Why do parties have to work together to govern a country with a multiparty system?

because one party rarely wins enough to support the government


What are 6 roles of the political parties?

Select Candadates

Support Candadates

Run the Govt

Communicate with people

Shape Govt policy

Act as a watchdog


How do political parties help people practice self government?

The parties help citizens communicate with the government and make sure the govt remains responsive to the people.


Why do political parties work at different levels?

To work and make policy at all levels of the govt


What is civic participation?

The act of getting involved in your community and working to improve it


How do the 2 major parties differ geographically?

Dems are strong in the north east and west coast and urban areas

Republicans- the south, the mountainest west and rural areas


Who participates in the national convention, and what is its main purpose?

Each states parties organizations chooses delegates to the natiional convention through primary conventions or the caucus.


How does the opposition party help keep the govt in check?

It acts as a watchdog criticizing and investigating the party


How do political parties take part in elections?

overall nominate, support and help the candidates


Political party that regulates business, and takes steps to provide housing, income and education and serve jobs to people with lower incomes

What is the Democratic Party?


why did political parties develop in the U.s?

People had different ideas of how to run the country


What kind of work can party members do?

They can call potential voters to urge them to vote and help register them to vote


How are political parties organized?

They are organized at federal, state and local levels


How do political parties operate within the govt?

Govt officals from the same party work for the govt.