What is the name for a governmental subsidy of private education?
When did the first voucher program start in America?
When did Tennessee pass its ESA pilot program?
What day was the current voucher bill filed?
Nov 6, 2024, the day after the presidential election
Where does the right to a public education come from?
State Constitutions
What is the type of voucher that directly pays for tuition?
Direct Tuition Voucher
What gave rise to the modern era of school vouchers?
Tell me one of the legal problems the ESA pilot bill has encountered.
* A lawsuit
* Legal questions for the former Speaker of the House who may have bribed legislators for votes
Who is eligible for a voucher under this bill?
Anyone making up to 3x the reduced lunch limit.
Anyone zoned to a public school in Tennessee.
What percent of Tennesseans send their children to public school?
What do you call the scheme where individuals can make above-the-line tax-deductible donations to scholarship funds that fund private education?
Tax-Credit Scholarships
What do some people consider a "middle ground" privatization between public school and private schools?
Charter schools, which are publicly funded but privately run
Which counties were initially included in the pilot?
Shelby and Davidson
How much is this voucher worth?
About $7,000
How much money does Tennessee have in reserves?
$20 billion
What type of voucher allows parents to use public money on a list of approved educational expenses?
Educational Savings Accounts (ESA)
When Arizona implemented universal vouchers, what percentage of recipients had ever set foot in a public school?
What does this chart tell us?
Currently, voucher schools are underperforming public schools.
How many vouchers will be available to begin with?
Where does Tennessee rank in school funding nationally?
According to NEA, 45th
When presented directly to voters, how many times have vouchers been approved?
What happened when they tried vouchers in Washington DC?
A statistically significant decrease in math achievement
Who is eligible for vouchers under the current pilot?
People who are already attending public school in Shelby, Metro Nashville, or Hamilton
People who make up to 2x the free lunch limit
What did the legislature include in the bill to convince people to support vouchers?
* a one-time bonus for teachers
* funds for school facilities
When did the attack on public education begin in Tennessee?