Long o says..
What is (o) saying its name?
A key word for short o is:
a) octopus
b) oatmeal
c) olives
What is
a) octopus
A key word for short u is
a) unicorn
b) up
c) universe
What is
a) up
A key word for short e is
a) eagle
b) eat
c) Ed
What is Ed
A key word for short a is
a) angry
b) apple
c) Andy
What is
b) apple
A key word for short i is
a) icicle
b) interesting
c) itch
What is
c) itch
Say this word. drop
What is drop (short o sound)?
Say this word. grub
What is grub? (with the short u sound)
Say this word. dress
What is dress? (With a short e sound)
Say this word. trap
What is trap ? (With a short a sound)
Say this word. drip
What is drip? (With a short i sound)
Pick out the 2 long o words in this sentence: I do not want to go for an ice cream cone.
What is: go and cone
Pick out the 2 long u sounds in this sentence: Can the unicorn run to the end of the universe and not be too tired to have fun?
What is unicorn and universe?
Pick out the 3 short e sounds in this sentence: I scored a goal when I headed the red ball in soccer for my team but I had to go to bed early.
What is: headed, red and bed
Pick out the 2 long a sounds in this sentence: I went to the zoo to see the ape and ate and apple at the start.
What is ape and ate?
Pick out the 3 short i words in this sentence: I did not like the mint ice cream flavor I picked so I traded with Ivy.
What is did, mint and picked