What is long e as in chief, long i as in tie?
The meaning of prefix de-.
What is take from, or down?
The two syllables of deadline and types of syllables they are.
What is dead/line, dead is VT, line is SE?
Spell the opposite of lost.
f o u n d
Say craze, change /k/ to /g/.
What is graze?
What is long o as in snow, /ou/ as in owl?
The prefix that means in.
What is in-/im-?
How to read the word compound and where the syllables are located and their type.
What is compound and syllables are com/pound, com is CL and pound is VT?
o n c e
Say perch, change /ch/ to /s/.
What is purse?
The two sounds of ea, most common listed first use keywords.
What is long e as in eagle, and short e as in bread?
The suffix that is apart of the word smaller.
What is -er?
Read the word hectic tell where the syllables are and what type of syllables are they.
What is hectic, hec/tic and both syllables are CL?
Spell the opposite of stays.
g o e s
Fix the sentence: i went on a trayn ride with my freinds (4 mistakes)
What is I went on a train ride with my friends.
Capital letter at beginning of sentence, train was misspelled, friends was misspelled and not punctuation at the end of the sentence.
The two sounds for oo, use most common first and use the keywords.
What is long u as in moon, and /oo/ as in book?
When you add -est to a word it does this.
What is comparing two words and this is the best or the most.
How to split obtuse and types of syllables it has.
What is ob/tuse and ob is CL, tuse is SE?
Spell the opposite of didn't do.
d o e s
The meaning of adding -ly to a word and give example.
What is how or how often and boldly?
The two sounds of ou, most common first please use keywords.
What is /ou/ as in house, short u as in touch?
How the meaning changes adding -er to a verb.
What is makes it a noun? ex run to runner
Split the syllables of the word Wisconsin and tell what types of syllables they are.
What is Wis/con/sin, they are all CL syllables.
Spell the opposite of to.
What is can be done?