Lords & Ladies
Time & Tradewinds
Myth & Magic
Sites & Story
Names & Nuisance

Why are the three lords asleep at Aslan's table?

The three lords fell into an enchanted sleep when one of them grabbed the stone knife during a quarrel (chap. 13)


How many Narnian years, and how many Earth years, have passed since Caspian last saw Edmund and Lucy?

Three years have passed for the Narnians, and one year for the Pevensies (chap. 2)

What are three useful things that Eustace was able to do as a dragon?

Eustace was able to bring back much meat to replenish provision for the ship. He brought a pine tree to be the ships mast. He provided a hot place for everyone to sit against to get warm and dry. He could also use his breath to start a fire. At times he would also give rides to show the sailors the island and surrounding ocean (chap. 7).


When her shipmates start seeing their own worst nightmares, what does Lucy turn her mind to?

Lucy turns her thought to Aslan (chap. 12)


What is Eustace's full name?

Eustace Clarence Scrubb (chap. 1).


How does Caspian convince Lord Bern that he is indeed King Caspian?

Caspian says he should be known by his face, secondly by being able to guess within six guesses the name of the lord who bought him and finally by his sword in combat (chap. 3)


What striking physical difference is there between Narnia's world and our Earth?

The Narnian world is flat, while our Earth is round (chap. 15)


What was unusual about the mirror in the hallway of the magician's house on the island of the monopods.

When you looked in the mirror, it made you look as if the hair and the beard on the mirror belonged to you (chap. 10).


Who is the first to drink to the health of the lady presiding over Aslan's table?

Reepicheep is the first to drink to the health of Ramandu's daughter (chap. 13).


What are the two names that, when combined, give the one footed creatures their final name?

The names Duffer and monopod are combined to form Dufflepud (chap. 11).


Why is Caspian not free to do what he wants and go on into the Utter East?

Caspian is subject to the laws as king. He has been called to be king and may not desert at his own pleasure (chap. 16)


On what island does Reepicheep retrieve his coracle? 

Reepicheep finds his coracle on Burnt Island.


What were five spells Lucy saw in the Magician's book.

There were spells to cure warts, for toothaches and cramps, spells for taking a swarm of bees, for finding buried treasure, how to remember things forgotten, how to forget things you wanted to forget, how to tell whether anyone was speaking the truth, how to call up or prevent wind, fog, snow, sleet or rain, how to produce enchanted sleeps and how to give a man a donkey's head. There were also spells to make one beautiful beyond all other mortals, a spell that would let you know what your friends were thinking about you, a spell for the refreshment of the spirit, and finally a spell to make hidden things visible.


What is the relevance of Sleeping Beauty to this tale?

In Sleeping Beauty the prince must kiss the princess in order to undo the enchantment. Here the king may not kiss the maid until the enchantment is undone (chap. 13).


What are the names of the two stars the travelers meet while on their journey?

The children meet Coriakin and Ramandu, borht former stars.


Two marriages are proposed for Caspian in the book - who are the suggested brides?

The first suggested marriage is from the Duke of Galma, who would be pleased to have his daughter marry Caspian (chap. 2). The second marriage discussed is to Ramandu's daughter (chap. 16).


One of the sailors does not go with his shipmates to the end of the world. Where does he decide to live upon their return to the West?

The sailor's name is Pittencream. He feels so out of things when the others return, that he deserts at the Lone Islands and eventually goes to live in Calormen (chap. 14).


When Reepicheep throws his sword, and it is left standing in the Sea of Lilies, what legendary character is he representing?

Reepicheep is representing King Arthur, who threw his sword into a pool as he lay dying.


How does Edmund's reading of detective stories come in useful?

Edmund's knowledge of detective stories helps him to deduce that the fellow on Deathwater Island could not have been killed in a fight because of the position of the armor and the lack of a body (chap. 8)

What is the name of the medicine/drink that Eustace asks for because he does not want spiced wine?

Plumptree's Vitaminized Nerve Food (chap. 1).


What are the names of the seven Narnian lords?

The names of the seven Narnian lords are Lord Bern, Lord Octesian, Lord Restimar, Lord Rhoop, Lord Revilian, Lord Argoz and, finally, Lord Mavramorn.


What are the names of nine of the islands the Narnians visit?

Before the Pevensies and Eustace join Caspian, the Narnians visited the islands of Galma, Terebinthia and the Seven Isles. When joined by Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace, they visit the Lone Islands (Avra, Doorn and Felimath), Dragon Island, Burnt Island, Deathwater, Land of the Duffers, Dark Island and Ramandu's Island/World's End before going on to the very end of the world.


Recite the verse the Dryad spoke over Reepicheep when he was in his cradle.

Where sky and water meet, / Where the waves gro sweet, / Doubt not, Reepicheep, / To find all you seek, / There is the utter East (chap. 2)


Describe five of the seven times Aslan appears to the travelers.

1. Aslan appears to Eustace and transforms him. 2. Aslan walks by and breaks the spell of the gold over the humans on Deathwater Island. 3. Aslan shows himself to Lucy in the Magic Book to keep Lucy from temptation of saying the spell for beauty. 4. Aslan meets Lucy when the hidden things become visible. 5. Aslan leads the ship away from Dark Island, appearing as an albatross. 6. Aslan speaks to Caspian through the lion's head on the wall of Caspian's ship cabin. 7. Aslan is the lamb who becomes the lion at the World's End.


What is the name of the star's daughter?

This is a trick question --- she is not given a name either in this book nor in The Silver Chair.